Magnet Fishing Couple Reels in $100,000 Bonanza from Queens Lake

  • Carmen Mayert PhD
  • June 5, 2024 01:03pm
  • 199

James Kane and Barbie Agostini, a magnet fishing enthusiast, discovered a submerged safe in a Queens lake, which turned out to contain a fortune of $100,000 in cash.

Magnet Fishing Couple Reels in $100,000 Bonanza from Queens Lake

Magnet fishing, an unexpected adventure that involves casting a magnet into bodies of water to retrieve metallic objects, has proven to be a lucrative pastime for New York City couple James Kane and Barbie Agostini. In a remarkable turn of events, their magnet fishing expedition in a Queens lake yielded an extraordinary catch – a safe brimming with cash, an unexpected treasure trove worth an estimated $100,000.

Magnet Fishing Couple Reels in $100,000 Bonanza from Queens Lake

Kane, an avid treasure hunter, was initially intrigued by the prospect of magnet fishing after stumbling upon YouTube videos dedicated to the hobby. Eager to embark on his own underwater exploration, he acquired a magnet from Amazon and embarked on the adventure with Agostini.

Their initial forays into magnet fishing were met with modest success, but their persistence paid off with the acquisition of more formidable magnets. These enhanced magnets significantly increased their chances of retrieving heavier objects from beneath the water's surface.

Magnet Fishing Couple Reels in $100,000 Bonanza from Queens Lake

During one fateful outing in the Queens lake, their magnet encountered a substantial obstacle. Kane's anticipation soared as he realized that they had hooked onto something substantial. With bated breath, they hauled in the find, revealing a large safe encrusted with sediment and decay.

Kane's excitement reached fever pitch as he unearthed the safe's contents, stacks of dollar bills in various denominations. The realization dawned upon them that they had stumbled upon a substantial sum of money, potentially amounting to thousands of dollars.

The couple immediately contacted the New York Police Department (NYPD), who arrived at the scene to investigate the discovery. After thorough scrutiny, the NYPD granted Kane and Agostini permission to retain the newfound treasure. However, the condition of the bills raised concerns, as some had suffered damage from prolonged submersion.

To determine the exact value of their catch, Kane and Agostini sought the assistance of the U.S. Treasury Department. The Treasury's forensic experts painstakingly pieced together the damp and damaged bills, meticulously assessing the extent of their damage. Only bills that retained over 50% of their original integrity were deemed valid for inclusion in the final tally.

Kane and Agostini eagerly await the outcome of the Treasury's forensic examination, as the total amount they will receive remains uncertain. They have entertained various ideas for utilizing the windfall, including purchasing a modest home or investing in upgraded equipment for future magnet fishing expeditions.

Their extraordinary discovery has catapulted magnet fishing into the realm of potential treasure hunting, demonstrating that valuable finds can be lurking beneath the surface of unsuspecting bodies of water. The couple's unwavering enthusiasm and unwavering dedication have paid off handsomely, transforming their hobby into a potentially life-changing financial opportunity.

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