Majority of Americans Support US Aid to Israel and Ukraine

  • Norwood Morissette
  • June 24, 2024 06:03am
  • 102

A recent survey conducted by the Reagan Institute found that a majority of Americans support US aid to Israel and Ukraine. The survey also found that Americans are concerned about the potential for a nuclear war between the US and Russia.

A majority of Americans support US aid to Israel and Ukraine, according to a recent survey conducted by the Reagan Institute. The survey, which was conducted in July 2023, found that 62% of Americans support aid to Israel, while 58% support aid to Ukraine.

The survey also found that Americans are concerned about the potential for a nuclear war between the US and Russia. Sixty-three percent of Americans said they are concerned about the possibility of a nuclear war, and 59% said they believe that the US is likely to use nuclear weapons in a conflict with Russia.

Majority of Americans Support US Aid to Israel and Ukraine

Majority of Americans Support US Aid to Israel and Ukraine

The survey's findings come amid growing tensions between the US and Russia over the war in Ukraine. Russia has repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons if attacked by the US or NATO, and the US has warned that it will respond with overwhelming force if Russia uses nuclear weapons.

The survey also found that Americans are divided on the issue of nuclear weapons. Forty-nine percent of Americans said they believe that the US should maintain its nuclear arsenal, while 43% said they believe that the US should eliminate its nuclear weapons.

Majority of Americans Support US Aid to Israel and Ukraine

Majority of Americans Support US Aid to Israel and Ukraine

The survey's findings are consistent with other recent polls that have found that Americans are concerned about the potential for a nuclear war. A poll conducted by the Pew Research Center in March 2023 found that 62% of Americans said they are concerned about the possibility of a nuclear war, and 56% said they believe that the US is likely to use nuclear weapons in a conflict with Russia.

The survey's findings suggest that Americans are increasingly concerned about the potential for a nuclear war. These concerns are likely due to the growing tensions between the US and Russia, and the increasing number of nuclear threats that have been made by both countries.

Majority of Americans Support US Aid to Israel and Ukraine

Majority of Americans Support US Aid to Israel and Ukraine

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