Martina Navratilova: Biden Administration's Title IX Rewrite Threatens Women's Sports and Sex-Based Spaces

  • Albertha Torp Sr.
  • June 27, 2024 07:03pm
  • 111

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova criticized the Biden administration's proposed Title IX rewrite, arguing that it would destroy women's sports and jeopardize sex-based spaces.

Martina Navratilova, an iconic tennis champion and outspoken advocate for women's rights, delivered a powerful address at the Independent Women's Forum's "Take Back Title IX" rally in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. Navratilova vehemently opposed the Biden administration's proposed Title IX rewrite, which she believes would undermine women's sports and endanger women's sex-based spaces.

"Initially, being the Democrats and the women that we are for the most part, we in this group were trying to find every single possible way to include trans-identified men, males who identify as women, into women’s sports," Navratilova explained. "And the more we try to find a way to mitigate the advantage, to handicap, to somehow to include, the more we figured out it’s not possible. It’s not possible to do it in a fair way and here we are in a much different position."

Martina Navratilova: Biden Administration's Title IX Rewrite Threatens Women's Sports and Sex-Based Spaces

Martina Navratilova: Biden Administration's Title IX Rewrite Threatens Women's Sports and Sex-Based Spaces

Navratilova's comments echoed those of many women's rights advocates who contend that the proposed Title IX rewrite would effectively erase the concept of sex-based rights and protections. The rewrite would require schools to allow transgender individuals to participate in sports and use sex-specific facilities based solely on their gender identity, regardless of their biological sex.

"As I got deeper into the issue, I also saw the connection between women’s sex-based spaces and women’s sports – they are totally interconnected, and I’m sure the swimmers at Penn could tell you all about that," Navratilova said, referencing the controversial case of swimmer Lia Thomas, who competed on the University of Pennsylvania women's swim team after transitioning from the men's team.

Martina Navratilova: Biden Administration's Title IX Rewrite Threatens Women's Sports and Sex-Based Spaces

Martina Navratilova: Biden Administration's Title IX Rewrite Threatens Women's Sports and Sex-Based Spaces

Navratilova condemned the vitriol she and other women who share her views have faced. She pointed out that such individuals are often labeled as homophobic, bigoted, and hateful, despite their genuine concern for the preservation of women's rights.

"Now, it’s, ‘Oh, you’re a homophobe.’ Go figure," Navratilova said. "I’ve been out since ’81, yeah, I’m a homophobe. ‘You’re a bigot, you’re a transphobe, you’re a Nazi, you’re a fascist, you’re a communist,’ everything and everything in between. And this is coming from the left. I am the left! My people are turning on me. They’re turning on us, women, who speak up for women’s sex-based rights."

Martina Navratilova: Biden Administration's Title IX Rewrite Threatens Women's Sports and Sex-Based Spaces

Martina Navratilova: Biden Administration's Title IX Rewrite Threatens Women's Sports and Sex-Based Spaces

Navratilova urged those in attendance and her supporters to speak out against the proposed Title IX rewrite and to defend the rights of women and girls. "We really want a level playing field when we are competing," she said. "We need the same people that supported Title IX or that would support Title IX in its original form to speak up now."

Navratilova's speech resonated with many who attended the rally, and her message has sparked a broader discussion about the importance of protecting women's sports and sex-based spaces. The issue is expected to remain a contentious one as the Biden administration continues to push for its proposed Title IX rewrite.

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