Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

  • Rebecca Welch
  • September 7, 2024 08:04am
  • 166

Maryland Governor Wes Moore has addressed the controversy surrounding his claim to have received a Bronze Star medal, admitting to past errors and expressing regret for not correcting interviewers who falsely identified him as a recipient.

Democratic Maryland Governor Wes Moore has confronted the controversy surrounding his claim to have received a Bronze Star, acknowledging past mistakes and expressing regret for not correcting interviewers who erroneously identified him as a recipient.

Moore, a rising star in the Democratic Party and former Army captain in Afghanistan, has come under criticism after it was revealed that he included the prestigious military honor on his 2006 application for a White House fellowship, according to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by The New York Times. Additionally, he participated in at least two interviews where he was identified as a Bronze Star recipient but did not rectify the error at the time.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Moore expressed regret for the "honest mistake" he made nearly 20 years ago, taking full responsibility for the error. He explained that the error occurred while he was transitioning back from combat deployment and adjusting to national media attention, acknowledging that he should have corrected the interviewers in retrospect.

Despite the controversy, Moore remains proud of his service and emphasizes his unwavering love for the country. He joined the military at age 17, serving as a soldier and paratrooper in combat, and was rated as a top 1% officer. Moore emphasized his accomplishments, including leading paratroopers in combat and receiving high praise from his senior rater as the best lieutenant in Operation Enduring Freedom.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

His admission of error has not extinguished criticism, particularly in the context of the controversy surrounding Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, whose military service record has also been scrutinized. Moore expressed his frustration with those who have criticized him and Walz, particularly those without military experience. He believes that those who have not served cannot truly comprehend the emotions and motivations of soldiers who are willing to risk their lives for their country.

Moore expressed his belief that "Thank you for your service" should not be merely a statement but should carry real meaning and support for veterans. He emphasized that both Walz and his Republican rival, Senator JD Vance, have made significant sacrifices for their country and deserve respect for their service, regardless of the outcome of the election.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

Moore also addressed the specific incident involving his Bronze Star claim, explaining that he acted on the instruction of his commanding officer and a former White House fellow who advised him to include the award on his application, despite the paperwork not being completed. He acknowledged that he forgot about the error and was happy to have returned home safely, not seeking medals or awards for his service.

Moore expressed gratitude that his commanding officer, upon learning of the error, has initiated the process of resubmitting him for the Bronze Star. Despite his remorse, Moore has dismissed the attacks against him as "foolishness," emphasizing that he remains focused on improving the lives of Marylanders and veterans.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy

Maryland Governor Wes Moore Addresses Bronze Star Controversy
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