Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

  • Concepcion Keebler Jr.
  • August 25, 2024 10:04pm
  • 104

A Massachusetts mother faces a difficult decision after her school district cancels bus service for all but elementary school students, leaving her struggling to get her children to school.

Ashley Francois, a mother of three in Stoughton, Massachusetts, is facing a daunting dilemma after her local school district announced a significant cutback in bus service. The district has cited a lack of funding and a shortage of drivers as reasons for the decision, which has left over 100 students in grades 7-12 without transportation to school.

Francois, who lost her driver's license for medical reasons three years ago, is particularly affected by the bus cuts. She says that she has been struggling to find ways to get her children to school, and that the situation has become increasingly difficult since her son on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) was removed from the bus route due to school refusal.

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

"Now you've made it absolutely impossible for me to get him there to access the curriculum, the services that you are specializing for him," Francois told Fox News. "He's not getting to school to get these services."

Francois also expressed concern about the financial burden that the lack of bus service will impose on her family. She says that she would have to pay for four to six Uber rides per day to get her children to school, which would put a significant strain on her budget.

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

"Am I supposed to pay between four to six Ubers a day for the entirety of the school year to get my children to school, and then question how I'm going to pay for my home, the electricity, the food they need to eat, the clothes and school supplies?" she asked.

The bus service controversy in Stoughton comes amidst a larger debate about the allocation of resources for migrant students in Massachusetts. The state has recently funded buses for over 200 migrant families, but Superintendent of Schools Joseph Baeta insists that this is not the reason for the transportation shortages.

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

Baeta says that the district received an unexpected increase in requests for busing this year, and that it is still working to address the issue. He also notes that the state of Massachusetts does not require bus transportation for students in grades 7-12, except for those living in hotels or shelters.

However, Francois and other parents argue that the state should provide transportation for all students, regardless of their grade level. They point out that the district's decision to prioritize migrant students has left their own children without access to essential services.

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

"The state of Massachusetts says that every child should have an equal opportunity to learn," Francois said. "But it's not happening in Stoughton right now."

The bus service crisis in Stoughton is a reflection of the challenges facing school districts across the country. Districts are struggling to meet the needs of all students, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many are being forced to make difficult decisions that affect the lives of children and families.

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

Massachusetts Mom Considers Keeping Kids Home Amid Bus Service Crisis

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