Mattel163 Introduces Colorblind-Friendly Card Decks for Inclusive Gameplay

  • Cleveland Botsford
  • June 27, 2024 02:03pm
  • 109

Mobile game developer Mattel163 has released colorblind-friendly decks for three of its popular card games: UNO! Mobile, Skip-Bo Mobile, and Phase 10: World Tour. These new decks feature specially designed shapes to represent traditional card colors, making them accessible to individuals with colorblindness.

In a significant step towards inclusivity and accessibility, mobile game developer Mattel163 has announced the release of colorblind-friendly card decks for three of its popular titles: UNO! Mobile, Skip-Bo Mobile, and Phase 10: World Tour. These new decks introduce specially designed shapes to represent traditional card colors, allowing individuals with colorblindness to easily discern each card's designated color.

Mattel163 Introduces Colorblind-Friendly Card Decks for Inclusive Gameplay

Mattel163 Introduces Colorblind-Friendly Card Decks for Inclusive Gameplay

The Beyond Colors feature encompasses specially designed card decks that employ shapes such as squares and triangles to represent the conventional card colors. This innovative approach enables colorblind individuals to effortlessly identify each card's designated color, thereby enhancing their gaming experience.

The prevalence of colorblindness is estimated to affect approximately 300 million people worldwide, according to the Cleveland Clinic. By introducing the new deck options, Mattel163 aims to eliminate barriers and make UNO! Mobile and other titles accessible to a broader range of players.

To ensure the effectiveness of the Beyond Color decks, Mattel163 collaborated with gamers, including those with colorblindness, throughout the development process. The symbols used for these decks are consistent across all three titles, ensuring seamless mastery and enjoyment.

Mattel163 has expressed its commitment to making 80 percent of its games portfolio colorblind accessible by 2025. This bold initiative demonstrates the company's dedication to inclusivity and its unwavering focus on creating gaming experiences that are accessible to all.

UNO! Mobile brings the beloved card game to mobile devices, offering classic gameplay where players aim to shed all their cards before their opponents. Phase 10: World Tour challenges players to complete a series of phases as quickly as possible, while Skip-Bo Mobile provides a captivating twist on solitaire.

UNO! Mobile, Skip-Bo Mobile, and Phase 10: World Tour are available for download via the App Store and Google Play. For more information about Mattel163 and the Beyond Color update, visit the official website. Stay connected with the latest news and updates by following the company on Facebook.

Mattel163's introduction of colorblind-friendly card decks is a groundbreaking step towards inclusivity in the mobile gaming landscape. By providing specially designed shapes to represent traditional card colors, the Beyond Colors feature empowers individuals with colorblindness to fully participate in the gaming experience and enjoy these beloved titles alongside their peers. Mattel163's commitment to accessibility is commendable and sets an exemplary model for the industry, fostering a more equitable and inclusive gaming environment for all.

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