Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

  • Harry Langosh
  • June 27, 2024 09:04pm
  • 347

Despite the arrest of a known terrorist in Minnesota after being released by DHS, Secretary Mayorkas has dodged questions and failed to provide documents revealing potential misuse of taxpayer funds for transporting illegal aliens posing a national security threat.

The Biden administration's handling of the border crisis has raised grave concerns, particularly regarding potential security breaches involving terrorists. Despite evidence that DHS released a confirmed member of al-Shabaab into the United States, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has refused to provide answers or produce documents.

In March 2023, a Somali man was apprehended at the southern border and swiftly released into the interior of the country. Astonishingly, it took almost a year for authorities to identify him as a member of al-Shabaab, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization in Somalia. He was subsequently arrested in Minneapolis in January 2024.

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

Republican members of Minnesota's congressional delegation sent letters to Mayorkas seeking clarification on how the terrorist entered and remained in the homeland for such an extended period. However, these letters have been met with silence.

Questions linger regarding the terrorist's travel to Minnesota and whether he received support from NGOs under the Emergency Food and Shelter Program-Humanitarian (EFSP-H), which provides transportation and services to illegal aliens encountered at the border.

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

Research by The Heritage Foundation suggests that up to two million illegal aliens, including potential criminals, may have accessed long-range transportation through EFSP-H. A FOIA request for records of travel expenses incurred by the program went unanswered by FEMA, implying a lack of oversight over hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

Further letters from Minnesota's congressional delegation seeking clarification on the terrorist's travel and potential NGO involvement have also been ignored. The Biden administration has proposed increasing funding for the Shelter and Services Program (SSP), which will replace EFSP-H.

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

DHS has failed to provide basic information, ignored congressional inquiries, and requested additional funding without accountability. This raises serious concerns about the misuse of taxpayer dollars and potential threats to national security.

Congress must use its authority to defund the SSP and prevent the reckless use of public funds to transport illegal aliens, including potential terrorists. The Biden administration owes the American people transparency and answers on the risks it has allowed into the country.

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program

Failure to address these concerns will further erode public trust and compromise national security. The administration has a responsibility to ensure the safety of American citizens and provide accountability for the use of taxpayer funds.

Mayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded ProgramMayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded ProgramMayorkas' Secrecy Fuels Fears of Terrorist Transport via Taxpayer-Funded Program
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