McConnell Lambasts Biden Judicial Nominee, Accuses Her of 'Wilting' Under GOP Scrutiny

  • Eldridge Lockman IV
  • June 13, 2024 10:03pm
  • 208

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has denounced President Biden's judicial nominee, Judge Sarah Netburn, for engaging in "political activism from the bench" and "wilting" under Republican questioning during her confirmation hearing. Netburn's nomination faces an uncertain path forward after the Senate Judiciary Committee missed opportunities to advance her candidacy due to concerns over her decision to transfer a transgender convicted rapist to a women's prison.

McConnell Lambasts Biden Judicial Nominee, Accuses Her of 'Wilting' Under GOP Scrutiny

Judge Sarah Netburn, nominated by President Biden to the prestigious U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, is facing staunch opposition from Republicans who accuse her of judicial overreach in her decision to order the transfer of a transgender inmate, July Justine Shelby, to a women's prison.

McConnell Lambasts Biden Judicial Nominee, Accuses Her of 'Wilting' Under GOP Scrutiny

During her confirmation hearing, Netburn faced intense scrutiny over the transfer, which she recommended despite the objections of Bureau of Prisons officials. Republican senators, including John Kennedy (R-La.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), grilled Netburn, labeling her a "political activist" and questioning her motives for the transfer.

Kennedy highlighted Shelby's history of sex crimes, including molesting a nine-year-old boy and raping a 17-year-old girl, as well as sending child porn to other sex offenders. He emphasized the concerns of the women incarcerated at the women's prison, who objected to having a "serial child rapist with male genitalia" as their cellmate.

McConnell Lambasts Biden Judicial Nominee, Accuses Her of 'Wilting' Under GOP Scrutiny

Cruz accused Netburn of disregarding the rights of the women in the prison in favor of her "political ideology." He pressed Netburn on whether they had the right to be protected from a potential threat.

During the hearing, Netburn defended her recommendation, citing Shelby's serious medical needs that were being neglected in the men's facility where she was incarcerated. However, her testimony came under fire from McConnell, who criticized the Democrats for providing Netburn with an opportunity to defend herself after Republicans had completed their questioning.

McConnell Lambasts Biden Judicial Nominee, Accuses Her of 'Wilting' Under GOP Scrutiny

McConnell slammed the Democrats' actions, calling them a "cover-up" and accusing Netburn of lying to the committee. He noted that after the nominee gave two conflicting explanations for her decision, Democrats blocked further questions and closed the hearing.

The Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to vote on Netburn's nomination on Thursday, but it was not brought up during a business meeting scheduled to discuss pending nominations. The decision on whether to proceed with her nomination now rests with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who must decide if he will bring it up for a floor vote.

If approved by the Senate, Netburn's nomination would thrust her into one of the most prestigious and busiest federal courts in the country. However, the controversy surrounding her decision on the transgender inmate transfer has cast a shadow over her candidacy and could potentially jeopardize her confirmation.

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