Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

  • Ms. Laury Rodriguez
  • July 1, 2024 02:04am
  • 395

The media has been accused of covering up President Biden's faults, which were on full display during his recent debate performance. The revelation of Biden's cognitive decline and lack of sharpness has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, raising concerns about his fitness to lead.

In the wake of President Biden's disastrous debate performance, former Biden White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield downplayed the severity of his struggles, claiming that the race remains unchanged. However, Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson countered that the debate exposed Biden's deteriorating mental acuity, which Americans had been suspecting since January.

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

Anderson pointed to a Pew Research Center poll revealing that only 29% of Americans believed Biden possessed the cognitive ability to be president. She argued that the debate confirmed these concerns, showcasing a president who is visibly struggling to handle the demands of the office.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of Biden's deficiencies, Bedingfield insisted that a single bad night does not alter the fundamental dynamics of the race. She urged Biden to rally his supporters and regain momentum, as every campaign experiences setbacks.

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

However, Anderson maintained that the debate was more than just "one bad night." She emphasized that it exposed Biden's declining mental state, which could be a major concern for voters who are already apprehensive about his leadership abilities.

The Biden campaign released a memo acknowledging the media's skepticism but claiming that battleground state data indicates no significant shift in public opinion. The memo contended that Biden's supporters remain energized, and Trump failed to expand his appeal beyond his base.

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

However, a CNN flash poll conducted during the debate showed a clear victory for Trump, with 67% of viewers believing he won compared to Biden's 33%. In contrast, a similar poll conducted during the 2020 debate had Biden winning by 55% to Trump's 39%.

The disparity in these poll numbers underscores the media's role in shaping public perception. The media's reluctance to report on Biden's cognitive decline and other weaknesses has created a false sense of normalcy, enabling Biden to continue campaigning without addressing the underlying issues.

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

Democrats have expressed increasing alarm over Biden's performance, with many calling for him to step aside and allow a more capable candidate to represent the party. California Governor Gavin Newsom and former First Lady Michelle Obama have emerged as potential replacements.

The debate has reignited the debate over Biden's fitness to lead, with growing calls for him to step down or face the prospect of losing the election to former President Trump. The media's role in perpetuating the illusion of Biden's competence has come under scrutiny, as critics accuse them of complicity in concealing the truth from the American public.

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

Media Censored Biden's Flaws, Hiding Truth from Public

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