Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants

  • Mrs. Celia Tremblay MD
  • June 26, 2024 09:04am
  • 251

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld and guests criticize the media for downplaying the tragic murders committed by illegal immigrants, contrasting their coverage with the attention given to political events.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld and his guests have expressed outrage over the media's lack of attention to the growing number of murders perpetrated by illegal immigrants. They argue that this issue is being swept under the rug while other political events are given undue prominence.

One of the guests, Emily Compagno, pointed out that the lack of media coverage is not only a disservice to the victims and their families but also a threat to public safety. She emphasized that these murders are not isolated incidents but part of a broader trend of violent crime committed by illegal immigrants.

Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants

Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants

Another guest, Juan Williams, agreed that the media has a responsibility to report on these crimes accurately and fairly. He criticized the media for being quick to blame certain political groups for violence while ignoring the role of illegal immigration.

The discussion also touched on the recent internal documents obtained by America First Legal, which revealed a Homeland Security Advisory Board that labeled Trump supporters as potential domestic terrorists. Guests denounced this as a dangerous and unfounded accusation, highlighting the hypocrisy of targeting political opponents while downplaying the threat posed by illegal immigrants.

Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants

Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants

Compagno argued that the media's obsession with Charlottesville and other political events serves to distract from the real issues facing the country, such as violent crime and economic instability. She emphasized that the media should prioritize reporting on matters that directly impact the lives of ordinary Americans.

Gutfeld concluded the segment by criticizing President Biden for his lack of action in addressing illegal immigration and violent crime. He pointed out that Biden's promise of peace and unity has not materialized, as the country continues to grapple with division and violence.

Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants

Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants

The guests concluded by urging the media to hold the Biden administration accountable for its failure to address these issues and to demand a comprehensive solution that protects the safety of all Americans, regardless of their political affiliations.

Media Ignores Murders by Illegal Immigrants
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