Medical Experts Sound Alarm: Transgender Medical Procedures for Children Lack Evidence, Raise Concerns

  • Lillie Hintz
  • June 10, 2024 06:04pm
  • 206

A coalition of pediatricians, health policy groups, and conservative organizations is urging medical professionals to halt the promotion of transgender medical treatments for children due to concerns about their physical and mental health effects. The coalition asserts that current practices are harmful and should be replaced with psychotherapy for underlying mental health issues.

Medical Experts Sound Alarm: Transgender Medical Procedures for Children Lack Evidence, Raise Concerns

A growing coalition of medical experts, health policy groups, and conservative organizations is raising concerns about the promotion of transgender medical treatments for children and adolescents, arguing that there is a lack of scientific evidence to support their effectiveness and that they may have harmful physical and mental health consequences.

The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) and allied groups, which have united under the banner "Doctors Protecting Children," have published a declaration urging mainstream American medical associations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, to abandon support for so-called "gender-affirming care" for transgender youths.

Medical Experts Sound Alarm: Transgender Medical Procedures for Children Lack Evidence, Raise Concerns

The declaration, signed by over 200 physicians, nurses, psychotherapists, behavioral health clinicians, and other healthcare professionals, states: "As healthcare professionals dedicated to the protection and well-being of children and adolescents, we have serious concerns about the current protocols promoted for the care of gender-diverse youth in the United States."

The coalition argues that sex is a biological characteristic that does not align with an individual's self-professed "gender identity" and that medical decisions should be driven by science, not feelings. They assert that current treatments for gender dysphoria, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone therapies, and surgeries, are not supported by evidence and may have irreversible consequences.

Medical Experts Sound Alarm: Transgender Medical Procedures for Children Lack Evidence, Raise Concerns

"We believe that children and adolescents are vulnerable and that the current protocols for 'gender-affirming care' can be harmful and may cause irreversible damage to their physical and mental health," the declaration states.

The coalition's concerns stem from several factors, including:

Medical Experts Sound Alarm: Transgender Medical Procedures for Children Lack Evidence, Raise Concerns

* **Lack of Evidence for Effectiveness:** The coalition argues that there is a significant lack of evidence to support the efficacy of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone therapies in treating gender dysphoria in children and adolescents. Studies have shown that these interventions do not improve mental health outcomes or reduce gender dysphoria and may have long-term health effects.

* **Concerns about Long-Term Consequences:** The coalition raises concerns about the potential long-term health consequences of transgender medical treatments for children and adolescents, including infertility, cardiovascular problems, and mental health issues. They argue that the risks of these treatments are not fully understood and that children should not be subjected to potentially harmful procedures without informed consent.

Medical Experts Sound Alarm: Transgender Medical Procedures for Children Lack Evidence, Raise Concerns

* **Importance of Psychotherapy:** The coalition emphasizes the importance of psychotherapy for addressing the underlying mental health issues that may contribute to gender dysphoria, such as depression, anxiety, and autism. They believe that psychotherapy should be the first line of treatment for these individuals, rather than medical interventions.

The declaration calls on the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to "follow the science and their European professional colleagues" and cease promoting transgender medical treatments for children and adolescents.

Several European countries, including the U.K., Sweden, Finland, Norway, and France, have pushed back on the use of puberty blockers and sex reassignment surgery for children and adolescents, citing similar concerns about the lack of evidence and potential risks.

The debate over transgender medical treatments for children is ongoing, with proponents arguing that these interventions are necessary to support transgender youth and opponents arguing that they are harmful and lack scientific evidence. As the coalition of Doctors Protecting Children gains momentum, the call for caution and a re-evaluation of current practices is likely to continue.

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