Meet AI Steve: The UK's First Artificial Intelligence Parliamentary Candidate

  • Gonzalo Krajcik
  • June 21, 2024 06:04pm
  • 290

In the upcoming UK parliamentary election, voters have the chance to elect a unique candidate: AI Steve, an interactive AI avatar created by businessman Steve Endacott.

In a groundbreaking move that has captured the attention of the tech world and beyond, United Kingdom businessman Steve Endacott has launched his parliamentary campaign with a revolutionary twist: his running mate is an artificial intelligence (AI) avatar named AI Steve. This innovative approach to politics aims to showcase the potential of AI in enhancing voter engagement and representation.

AI Steve is not merely a passive chatbot; it is a fully interactive and responsive AI system that engages with voters in real-time on a wide range of policy issues. From LGBTQ rights to housing, bin collection, and immigration, AI Steve provides information, solicits feedback, and facilitates discussions.

Meet AI Steve: The UK's First Artificial Intelligence Parliamentary Candidate

Meet AI Steve: The UK's First Artificial Intelligence Parliamentary Candidate

Endacott, the founder of Neural Voice, the company behind AI Steve, has a clear vision: to leverage technology to bridge the gap between voters and their elected officials. He believes that AI can provide a valuable tool for increasing transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in the political process.

"We want democracy reformed, we want people connected to their MPs," Endacott emphasizes. "Because the current system is broken and not working."

Meet AI Steve: The UK's First Artificial Intelligence Parliamentary Candidate

Meet AI Steve: The UK's First Artificial Intelligence Parliamentary Candidate

For voters like Eona Johnston, a 23-year-old charity worker from Brighton, AI Steve represents an exciting possibility: "We're using AI in so many (areas), at work, social interactions, why don't we put it in politics?" she says. "But how would we do it? We shouldn't be closed off to the idea."

However, not everyone is entirely convinced. Jim Cheek, a 37-year-old accountant from Brighton, points out that public speaking is an essential skill for an MP, something that an AI lawmaker may lack. "I think an AI is only a small part of what makes a good MP or a bad MP," he says.

Despite these concerns, Endacott remains optimistic about the potential of AI Steve. He plans to establish a group of 500 validators who will vet the policies formulated by AI Steve, ensuring that they align with the interests of constituents.

"Even when a policy is created, it's got to get past the validators ... Nobody could easily hack the validators," Endacott explains.

The Electoral Commission has made it clear that the MP will be the elected candidate, not the AI itself. However, the use of AI Steve has sparked a crucial conversation about the role of AI in politics.

Not everyone has embraced AI Steve with open arms; there have been reports of death threats directed at the technology. "We just said: if you're big enough, see if you can find the plug," says a defiant Endacott.

Whether or not AI Steve succeeds in his bid to become the first AI lawmaker, his campaign has undoubtedly ignited a debate about the future of politics and the transformative potential of artificial intelligence.

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