Michael Cohen Secretly Recorded Trump Calls: CNN Panel Condemns Unethical Behavior

  • Prof. Lulu Raynor DVM
  • May 18, 2024 02:01am
  • 167

Michael Cohen faced harsh criticism from a CNN panel for admitting to secretly recording phone calls with then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and other clients. The panelists condemned the action as highly unethical and illegal in some states.

Michael Cohen Secretly Recorded Trump Calls: CNN Panel Condemns Unethical Behavior

Michael Cohen's admission that he secretly recorded phone calls with former President Donald Trump and other clients has drawn widespread condemnation from a CNN panel. Anchor Brianna Keilar and several legal analysts criticized Cohen's actions as unethical and potentially illegal.

"Let's just be very clear, that is highly uncool," Keilar stated after reading Cohen's testimony aloud.

Michael Cohen Secretly Recorded Trump Calls: CNN Panel Condemns Unethical Behavior

CNN legal analyst Elliot Williams pointed out that recording someone without consent is illegal in some states. However, he noted that New York, where Cohen worked as Trump's fixer at the time, is a one-party consent state, meaning it is legal to record a phone conversation as long as one party consents.

"Doesn't mean you ought to, doesn't mean people won't judge it if you do, but it's allowed," Williams said.

Michael Cohen Secretly Recorded Trump Calls: CNN Panel Condemns Unethical Behavior

Keilar emphasized that even in states where it is legal, secretly recording conversations without the knowledge of the other party is highly questionable ethically.

"People probably won't appreciate it," Keilar stated.

Another CNN legal analyst, Elie Honig, expressed his astonishment at Cohen's actions as a lawyer. "I've asked, on-air, several defense lawyers who have been practicing for decades, 'Have you ever done this?'" Honig said. "They look at you like, 'Why on earth? That would be wildly unethical and bizarre to do that.'"

Williams added that secretly recording clients could create unnecessary complications and legal risks. "Just creating all kinds of extra materials that could, you know, be subpoenaed or whatever. Just don't do it," he advised.

Keilar specifically highlighted that Trump was unaware of being recorded by Cohen. "Donald Trump didn't know he was being recorded," she said. "That's what is very clear from this... So it would be one thing to say to your client, 'Hey, is it cool? Do you want me to hang onto this for something?' But it wasn't done with consent and that is hugely problematic."

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper also criticized Cohen's testimony, stating that if he were a juror, he would conclude that Cohen was making up his story as he went along.

The panel's condemnation of Cohen's secret recordings underscores the ethical and legal concerns surrounding such actions. While it may be legal in some states to record someone without their knowledge, it is generally considered unethical to do so, especially in a professional capacity.

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