Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of "Elder Abuse" for Pushing Biden to Run

  • Prof. Buford Leuschke
  • July 8, 2024 03:03am
  • 184

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has sparked controversy by suggesting that the Democratic Party is committing "elder abuse" by encouraging President Biden to remain in the race. Moore's comments come amid ongoing concerns about Biden's mental fitness following a lackluster performance in his first debate against Donald Trump.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has accused the Democratic Party of committing "elder abuse" by continuing to push President Biden to stay in the race. Moore's comments follow a widely criticized debate performance by Biden against former President Donald Trump, which raised questions about his mental fitness.

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of "Elder Abuse" for Pushing Biden to Run

On MSNBC's "Ayman," Moore expressed his view of the president, stating that "there is a form of elder abuse going on here where the Democratic Party and the people that are part of the apparatus are pushing and pushing him to stay." He compared the situation to a family member who insists on staying in a dangerous or harmful situation.

Moore admitted to having had previous misgivings about Biden, but found the debate "heartbreaking" to watch. He questioned why anyone was helping the president, and stated that "who is looking out for him right now?"

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of "Elder Abuse" for Pushing Biden to Run

Many Democrats have expressed concerns over Biden's performance in the debate. James Carville, a prominent Democratic strategist, called on Biden to step down after what he described as a "disaster."

Moore insisted that Biden receive some form of medical exam to assure Americans that he could serve another term. "Something was wrong that night. We all saw it. We can't unsee it," Moore said.

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of "Elder Abuse" for Pushing Biden to Run

The filmmaker clarified that he is not demanding Biden step down yet but criticized the president's team for not even entertaining the idea of an exam. "We need independent doctors or a doctor that will do a neurological exam, a full medical evaluation. Why don't they do that? If it is all good, it will put to rest so much of this and then they can say he had a bad night. But they are not doing that. Why are they risking our country?" Moore asked.

While Moore complimented Biden on defeating "the devil" in 2020 and enacting many progressive policies, he has been critical of Biden over his ongoing support for Israel during its war in Gaza.

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of

Michael Moore Accuses Democratic Party of "Elder Abuse" for Pushing Biden to Run

In April, Moore warned Biden that he could lose the election over his support for Israel. "His chance of not being re-elected, I think at this point, is so great because of those numbers. Because he's losing the youth vote. He's lost the Arab American vote in Michigan," Moore said on CNN.

Moore's comments have sparked a debate about the ethical implications of fielding an elderly candidate for president. Some argue that Biden's age and potential health concerns make him unfit for office, while others maintain that he is still capable of serving.

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