Michael Moore Warns Biden: Cease Israel Support or Face Electoral Defeat

  • Mr. Ransom Cassin
  • May 14, 2024 01:13am
  • 344

Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has issued a stark warning to President Joe Biden, claiming that his unwavering support for Israel in the ongoing conflict with Hamas could cost him the November election. Moore argues that Biden is out of touch with the concerns of young voters and Arab Americans, who are increasingly disillusioned with his stance on the issue.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

Michael Moore Warns Biden: Cease Israel Support or Face Electoral Defeat

Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has unleashed a scathing attack on President Joe Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, warning that his unwavering support for Israel could prove disastrous for his re-election chances.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

Moore, a vocal critic of Israel's military operations in Gaza, accused Biden of being "clueless" about the situation and "completely misinformed" about the nature of the anti-Israel protests that have erupted across the United States.

"He clearly doesn’t understand what’s going on. He’s been completely misinformed about what the protesters have been doing," Moore said on his "Rumble" podcast.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

Moore, a native of Michigan, a state that Biden narrowly won in 2020, insisted that he was trying to "save" the president from himself and his stance on the conflict.

"We're going to lose the election. We're going to lose Michigan if President Biden doesn't turn this around," Moore said.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

He accused Biden of "sending money to a regime that is slaughtering innocent civilians" in Gaza and warned that "the longer you hold off from putting an end to this, the more young people you turn away from voting for you."

Moore's comments echo the concerns of a growing number of Arab Americans and young voters, who have expressed deep disappointment with Biden's handling of the conflict. In Dearborn, Michigan, a city with a large Arab American population, many residents have threatened to withdraw their support for Biden if he continues to back Israel's military operations.

Moore also criticized Biden's recent comments that the United States is now a "lawless" country in response to the anti-Israel protests.

"We are violating our own American law that says that any country that uses weapons that we give them to kill civilians, or to interrupt humanitarian aid that needs to go to civilians, that is a violation of our law," Moore said.

"That is exactly what’s been happening now for these seven months," he added. "Yes, that is lawlessness."

Moore's warning comes as Biden faces mounting pressure from both sides of the aisle over his handling of the conflict. Democrats have criticized him for not doing enough to stop the violence, while Republicans have accused him of being too quick to condemn Israel.

The conflict has also become a major issue in the upcoming midterm elections, with Republicans hoping to capitalize on the growing discontent among Arab Americans and young voters.

If Biden fails to address the concerns of these key constituencies, he could face an uphill battle in his bid for re-election in 2024.

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