Michael Moore's dire warning to Biden: Lose college vote over Israel

  • Jacquelyn Crist
  • May 9, 2024 06:01pm
  • 161

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore has issued a stark warning to President Biden, claiming that his support for Israel could cost him support among college-age voters in the upcoming November elections.

Michael Moore's dire warning to Biden: Lose college vote over Israel

Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has unleashed a blistering critique against President Biden's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict, warning that it could jeopardize his chances of re-election.

In a recent podcast, Moore accused Biden of "not having a clue in his head" about the damage he had inflicted on his own political prospects by "arming" Israel.

Michael Moore's dire warning to Biden: Lose college vote over Israel

"We have to figure this out," Moore said, "but until then, we first have to have our voices heard."

Moore's tirade came amid ongoing protests on college campuses across the country, with students demanding that their universities divest funding linked to Israel. The demonstrations, which have erupted in response to the recent flare-up in violence between Israel and Hamas, have prompted some schools to cancel graduation ceremonies.

Michael Moore's dire warning to Biden: Lose college vote over Israel

Moore praised the protests and urged students to continue their activism.

"You have to take over buildings," he said. "That is not violence. I hope it continues. I applaud every student who has taken a stand at their campus, at graduation, whatever. This is the purpose of a democracy."

Michael Moore's dire warning to Biden: Lose college vote over Israel

Moore's comments echoed those of other prominent left-wing figures who have criticized Biden for his handling of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently expressed concern that Biden's support for Israel could alienate young voters, a key demographic for the Democratic Party.

Biden has defended his stance on Israel, arguing that it is in the best interests of both the United States and the Middle East. However, the ongoing conflict and the protests on college campuses have raised questions about whether his support for Israel is politically sustainable.

With the midterm elections approaching, the issue of Israel is likely to become increasingly contentious. Moore's warning serves as a reminder that Biden's position on the conflict could have a significant impact on his political future.

In addition to his criticism of Biden, Moore also took aim at New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Moore called Adams' description of protesters at colleges and universities as "outside agitators" a "joke."

"These schools live in the communities," Moore said. "They exist in the communities. They participate in the communities."

Moore argued that the protests were a legitimate expression of free speech and that Adams was unfairly targeting the demonstrators.

"People who peacefully protest for an issue, they're not throwing bottles [and] chairs," Moore said. "And so we know that we have acknowledged and saw across the country there are people who come [who] have nothing to do with the issue, and they want to aggravate. Now, if those police officers didn't show a high level of discipline, this could have been an ugly situation."

Moore's comments reflect the growing divide within the Democratic Party over the issue of Israel. As the party becomes more diverse, the traditional pro-Israel consensus is being challenged by a new generation of activists who are increasingly critical of Israel's policies.

Biden and other Democratic leaders are facing a delicate balancing act, trying to maintain support from both the pro-Israel community and the growing number of young voters who are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. The midterm elections will provide an important test of whether Biden can successfully navigate these competing priorities.

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