Midnight Society Parts Ways with Dr. Disrespect in the Wake of Twitch Ban Allegations

  • Cameron Jacobi
  • June 25, 2024 12:04pm
  • 211

The Midnight Society, a newly formed gaming and entertainment organization co-founded by Dr. Disrespect, has severed ties with the popular streamer following allegations that he was banned from Twitch due to inappropriate conduct.

The Midnight Society, a gaming and entertainment organization co-founded by Guy "Dr. Disrespect" Beahm, announced on Monday that it has terminated its relationship with the streamer. This decision comes in the wake of allegations made by a former Twitch employee that Beahm was banned from the service due to inappropriate conduct.

Midnight Society Parts Ways with Dr. Disrespect in the Wake of Twitch Ban Allegations

Midnight Society Parts Ways with Dr. Disrespect in the Wake of Twitch Ban Allegations

The allegations were first made by former Twitch employee Marcus "Djarii" Graham, who claimed in a series of tweets that Beahm was banned for "sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct." Graham did not provide specific details about the allegations.

Beahm has denied the allegations, calling them "false and defamatory." He has also expressed disappointment with the Midnight Society's decision to terminate its relationship with him.

"I am deeply disappointed that the Midnight Society has chosen to believe unsubstantiated and false allegations made against me," Beahm said in a statement. "I deny these allegations and will continue to fight to clear my name and reputation."

The Midnight Society, in a statement of its own, said that it takes "all allegations of misconduct seriously" and that it "investigated the matter thoroughly before making a decision." The organization did not provide details about the investigation or its findings.

The termination of Beahm's relationship with the Midnight Society is a significant blow to the organization, which was founded in March 2021. Beahm was one of the organization's co-founders and its most prominent member.

It is unclear what the future holds for Dr. Disrespect. He is currently banned from Twitch, and it is unclear if he will be able to return to the platform. He has also lost his relationship with the Midnight Society, which was one of his main sources of income.

The allegations against Beahm have raised questions about the culture of Twitch and other streaming platforms. Some streamers have spoken out against the allegations, while others have defended Beahm.

The investigation into the allegations is ongoing, and it is unclear when or if any further details will be released. However, the termination of Beahm's relationship with the Midnight Society is a sign that the allegations are being taken seriously.

The Midnight Society has not announced any plans to replace Dr. Disrespect, but the organization is likely to be looking for a new co-founder and streamer to join its ranks.

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