MLB Legend Steve Garvey Outlines Policy Priorities as Republican Senate Candidate

  • Reese Kohler
  • June 27, 2024 08:03am
  • 233

Former MLB star Steve Garvey, who is running for the U.S. Senate in California, discusses his key policy priorities in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, focusing on addressing crime, homelessness, and education.

Former MLB star Steve Garvey, who is running for the U.S. Senate in California as a Republican, sat down with Fox News Digital for an exclusive interview at Nationals Park to discuss his top policy priorities. Garvey, a member of the Los Angeles Dodgers' World Series-winning teams in 1981 and 1988, is challenging incumbent Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Garvey, who is a conservative Republican, believes it is "time for a change" in California, which he says is facing numerous challenges, including rising crime, homelessness, and a declining education system.

MLB Legend Steve Garvey Outlines Policy Priorities as Republican Senate Candidate

MLB Legend Steve Garvey Outlines Policy Priorities as Republican Senate Candidate

"We need to tackle these issues head-on and provide solutions that will make a difference in the lives of Californians," Garvey said.

One of Garvey's top priorities is addressing the state's rampant crime problem. He proposes increasing funding for law enforcement, implementing tougher penalties for repeat offenders, and expanding crime prevention programs.

MLB Legend Steve Garvey Outlines Policy Priorities as Republican Senate Candidate

MLB Legend Steve Garvey Outlines Policy Priorities as Republican Senate Candidate

"We need to make sure that our communities are safe for everyone," Garvey said. "We can't have a situation where people are afraid to walk the streets or send their kids to school."

Another key issue for Garvey is homelessness, which has reached epidemic proportions in California. He believes the state needs to provide more affordable housing, mental health services, and addiction treatment programs.

MLB Legend Steve Garvey Outlines Policy Priorities as Republican Senate Candidate

MLB Legend Steve Garvey Outlines Policy Priorities as Republican Senate Candidate

"We need to help people get back on their feet and rebuild their lives," Garvey said. "We can't just ignore this problem and hope it goes away."

Garvey is also concerned about the state of education in California. He wants to increase funding for public schools, improve teacher pay, and provide more options for parents and students.

"We need to give our kids the best possible education so they can succeed in life," Garvey said. "We can't afford to let them fall behind."

In addition to these key issues, Garvey also discussed his support for the Second Amendment, his opposition to abortion, and his belief in limited government.

"I believe in the principles of individual liberty, free markets, and a strong national defense," Garvey said. "These are the values that have made America the greatest country in the world."

Garvey's candidacy has been endorsed by several prominent Republicans, including former President Donald Trump. He is facing an uphill battle against Feinstein, who has served in the Senate since 1992. However, Garvey is optimistic about his chances.

"I believe that the people of California are ready for a change," Garvey said. "I'm offering a positive vision for the future of our state, and I believe that we can make a difference."

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