MSNBC's Steele Accused of Conspiracy Theories for Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

  • Deshawn Boyer
  • July 17, 2024 09:04pm
  • 241

MSNBC analyst Michael Steele has sparked controversy by questioning whether former President Trump's ear was actually hit by a high-caliber bullet during an assassination attempt.

MSNBC analyst Michael Steele has sparked controversy by questioning whether former President Trump's ear was actually hit by a high-caliber bullet during an assassination attempt. Steele's remarks have been met with accusations of pushing conspiracy theories.

During MSNBC's coverage of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, Steele raised questions about the extent of the damage to Trump's ear. "If he was shot by a high-caliber bullet, there should probably be very little ear there," Steele said. "And so, we'd like to know that. Is there cosmetic surgery involved? What is the prognosis for recovery? Were there stitches? What is the extent and nature of the damage to his ear? Was it caused by a bullet, as opposed to, as some reports … saying it was actually shards of glass from the teleprompter?"

MSNBC's Steele Accused of Conspiracy Theories for Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

MSNBC's Steele Accused of Conspiracy Theories for Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

Steele's comments drew criticism from some conservative media outlets, which accused him of flirting with conspiracy theories. James Golden, a longtime producer for Rush Limbaugh, said Steele "appears to be casting doubt on Donald Trump's injuries." Former NBCUniversal executive Mike Sington wrote that Steele "floats conspiracy theory" about Trump's injury.

MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

MSNBC's Steele Accused of Conspiracy Theories for Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

MSNBC's Steele Accused of Conspiracy Theories for Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

Trump was attending a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday when a man opened fire, killing one of Trump's supporters and injuring two others. Trump was grazed in the ear by a bullet, and he returned to the stage after receiving medical attention.

Following the attack, Trump has been seen with a bandage on his ear. However, there has been no official report from the hospital or Trump's campaign detailing the extent of his injuries.

MSNBC's Steele Accused of Conspiracy Theories for Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

MSNBC's Steele Accused of Conspiracy Theories for Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

Steele's questioning of Trump's ear wound comes as the FBI investigates the assassination attempt. Steele has stated that he believes there are "a lot of questions" surrounding the incident, and he has called for more transparency from Trump's campaign and the hospital.

While Steele's comments have been met with criticism, some have defended his right to question the official narrative. Fox News contributor Byron York said that Steele's remarks were simply "asking questions."

The controversy over Steele's remarks highlights the ongoing debate over media bias and the role of conspiracy theories in public discourse. It remains to be seen whether Steele's questioning of Trump's ear wound will lead to any further investigation or disclosure of information.

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