Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

  • River Koepp
  • August 9, 2024 04:03am
  • 120

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed regret over the 2023 Hamas terrorist attack that killed 1,200 people and acknowledged that the country now confronts a wider Iranian threat. Amid criticism over his handling of the conflict, Netanyahu maintains Israel's security is paramount.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has extended an apology for the devastating October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 1,200 people in southern Israel. The attack, which also left hundreds of hostages in Gaza, occurred during Netanyahu's first year as Prime Minister.

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

"Of course, of course," Netanyahu responded when asked by Time Magazine in an interview if he would apologize for the incident. "I am sorry, deeply, that something like this happened."

The Prime Minister's apology comes amidst growing frustration from the Biden administration over Israel's failure to present a plan to end the conflict and secure the release of the hostages. Ten months after the attack, Israel continues to face threats on multiple fronts, including from Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and now Iran.

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

"We're facing not merely Hamas," Netanyahu told Time. "We're facing a full-fledged Iranian axis, and we understand that we have to organize ourselves for broader defense."

Despite public criticism, including from former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Netanyahu maintains that Israel must eliminate all aspects of Iran's "axis of resistance" to ensure its long-term security and prevent future Hamas attacks.

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

"Being destroyed has bigger implications about Israel's security," Netanyahu told Time. "I'd rather have bad press than a good obituary."

Netanyahu has delivered speeches in both Washington, D.C., and Israel to rally support for Israel's closest ally, but his efforts have been met with some opposition. Nearly 130 Democrats and Vice President Harris declined to attend his speech to Congress.

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

Netanyahu Apologizes for Deadly Hamas Attack, Warns of 'Full-Fledged Iranian Axis'

"I don’t think that the much-reported erosion of support among some quarters of the American public is related to Israel," Netanyahu said. "It’s more related to America."

The Prime Minister has previously stated that Israel did not initiate the war but must secure its future security by ending it. Despite allegations of "collective punishment" from critics like Columbia professor Rashid Khalidi, Netanyahu insists that Israel has provided humanitarian assistance during the conflict.

While acknowledging that Israel has allowed Qatari funds to enter Gaza in the past, Netanyahu places blame on Hamas for using the funds to build terror tunnels. He also dismisses accusations that protests against government reforms have weakened Israel's military.

"The refusal to serve because of an internal political debate – I think that, if anything, that had an effect," Netanyahu told Time.

Netanyahu admits his previous reluctance to go to war with Hamas was a mistake. Israeli officials reportedly presented a plan to eliminate the terror organization in 2014, but Netanyahu hesitated due to a lack of domestic and international support.

"There was no domestic support for such an action," Netanyahu told Time. "There was certainly no international support for such an action – and you need both."

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