Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

  • Hailee Lockman MD
  • September 5, 2024 01:03am
  • 312

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has strongly defended his stance on maintaining control of the strategically important Philadelphi Corridor despite calls to concede it in exchange for the release of hostages held by Hamas. The prime minister emphasized that releasing control of the corridor would weaken Israel's defense and send the wrong message to Hamas, encouraging further hostage-taking.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has adamantly defended his unwavering position to maintain control of the strategically vital Philadelphi Corridor, dismissing calls to cede it in exchange for the release of hostages held captive by Hamas. Addressing a press conference, Netanyahu resolutely stated his belief that relinquishing control of the corridor would jeopardize Israel's security and convey a dangerous message to Hamas.

"What has changed?" Netanyahu questioned during Wednesday's press conference delivered in English. "What has changed is that they murdered six of our hostages in cold blood. The world is demanding concessions from Israel in the aftermath of this horrific massacre. What does this tell Hamas?"

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

Netanyahu vehemently rejected the notion of conceding to Hamas' demands, asserting that such actions would only embolden the terrorist organization and lead to further hostage-taking. "I will not negotiate with terrorists," he declared. "Israel will not reward violence."

The prime minister emphasized that Israel has always been willing to negotiate and make concessions, but Hamas has consistently rejected such efforts. "Where I have to be firm, I am firm," Netanyahu said. "The obstacle has been Hamas from the beginning. Everybody knows that."

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

In the wake of the brutal murder of six hostages on October 7th, Netanyahu's stance has drawn criticism from some quarters, including Histadrut, Israel's largest trade union. Histadrut has urged the prime minister to prioritize the release of the remaining hostages by agreeing to a ceasefire deal.

However, Netanyahu remains steadfast in his conviction that maintaining control of the Philadelphi Corridor is essential for long-term security. He has repeatedly stressed the importance of the corridor in preventing the smuggling of weapons and other contraband into Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas.

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

The Philadelphi Corridor, which runs along the border between Gaza and Egypt, houses the Rafah Crossing. Netanyahu has argued that maintaining Israeli presence in the corridor is vital to prevent Hamas from reasserting control over the area and using it for military purposes.

During a heated security cabinet meeting, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reportedly challenged Netanyahu's insistence on holding the Philadelphi Corridor. Gallant claimed that prioritizing the corridor over the lives of the hostages was illogical. However, the cabinet ultimately voted 8-to-1 in favor of Netanyahu's position.

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

Netanyahu has emphasized that Israel has consistently pursued humanitarian measures to alleviate the suffering in Gaza, while also countering Hamas' aggression. He has stressed that the humanitarian policies implemented by Israel have proven effective and will continue.

The prime minister has underscored the necessity of maintaining a presence along the Philadelphi Corridor in any ceasefire agreement. He has expressed concerns that withdrawing from the corridor would lead to a "recurrence of what happened there before," referring to the deadly October 7th attack.

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release

In response to criticism from hostages' families, Netanyahu stated that control of the Philadelphi Corridor is the only leverage Israel has to pressure Hamas into releasing the hostages. "I'll do everything to make sure that Keith and all the other hostages come back," Netanyahu said. "But if we give up the corridor, we will not get them back. We will condemn them to stay there."

Netanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage ReleaseNetanyahu Defends Philadelphi Corridor Control as Key to Hamas Pressure, Hostage Release
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