NewsBreak's AI Blunders: Misinformation, Fake Accounts, and China Connections

  • Furman Blanda
  • June 11, 2024 09:05pm
  • 380

NewsBreak, one of the most popular news apps in the US, has been caught distributing AI-generated misinformation, creating fake bylines, and potentially working with Chinese military-linked companies.

NewsBreak's AI Blunders: Misinformation, Fake Accounts, and China Connections

NewsBreak, a news aggregation app with millions of users, has been under fire for using artificial intelligence (AI) to generate inaccurate and misleading news articles. A Reuters investigation revealed several instances since 2021 where NewsBreak's AI tools published false stories, even impacting local communities. For example, the app published a fabricated story about a Christmas Eve shooting in Bridgeton, New Jersey, prompting the town's police department to issue a statement debunking the article.

The Reuters investigation also highlighted how NewsBreak's automated content has disrupted local communities. In Colorado, a food bank was forced to turn away people after NewsBreak incorrectly reported its food distribution times. Similarly, a charity in Pennsylvania faced complications due to erroneous stories generated by the app's AI.

NewsBreak's AI Blunders: Misinformation, Fake Accounts, and China Connections

While NewsBreak presents itself as a US-based startup, it has significant ties to China. The company was founded by Jeff Zheng, who also founded the Chinese news aggregation app Yidian. The two companies share a US patent for an algorithm that recommends news based on user preferences. Additionally, one of NewsBreak's primary backers, IDG Capital, is alleged to have connections to the Chinese military.

The rise of AI-generated content has made verifying information online more challenging. To protect yourself from misinformation, follow these steps:

NewsBreak's AI Blunders: Misinformation, Fake Accounts, and China Connections

* Verify Sources: Check the credibility of the source before sharing or believing information. Look for news from reputable organizations with a track record of accuracy and accountability.

* Check the Author: Investigate the author of the content to ensure their credibility and expertise. Be wary of articles without author bylines.

NewsBreak's AI Blunders: Misinformation, Fake Accounts, and China Connections

* Use Fact-Checking Tools: Utilize fact-checking websites and tools like Snopes,, or the International Fact-Checking Network to verify claims.

* Be Skeptical of Social Media: Treat information on social media with caution. Verify it from reliable sources before sharing or believing it.

NewsBreak's AI Blunders: Misinformation, Fake Accounts, and China Connections

As news publications increasingly use AI to generate content, platforms like NewsBreak have a responsibility to combat the spread of misinformation. They must implement measures to verify the accuracy of AI-generated articles and prevent fake bylines and content theft. The spread of inaccurate news can have serious consequences, undermining trust in the media and potentially harming individuals and communities.

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