Newsom's Border Guard Boast Debunked

  • Adrianna Tillman
  • June 15, 2024 08:04pm
  • 293

California Governor Gavin Newsom has come under fire for claiming that the state has doubled the number of National Guard troops on the southern border, a claim that has been disputed by Fox News correspondents and Border Patrol agents.

California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing criticism for falsely stating that the state has doubled the presence of National Guard troops on the southern border. On Thursday, Newsom posted a video to social media from the San Ysidro Port of Entry, where he stated that California had increased its National Guard deployment from 195 to 390. However, Fox News correspondents Bill Melugin and Matt Finn have challenged Newsom's claims, reporting that they have not seen any California National Guard soldiers at key border crossing points.

Melugin, a national correspondent for Fox News, stated that he has not encountered a single California National Guard soldier in Jacumba, a site where large numbers of migrants have been illegally crossing the border. He reported that Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed by the influx of migrants, who are often wandering on highways and calling for ride-sharing services while awaiting apprehension.

Newsom's Border Guard Boast Debunked

Newsom's Border Guard Boast Debunked

Melugin also shared a response from a Border Patrol agent in Jacumba, who stated that California "isn't doing s---" to assist with illegal crossings in the area, and that any soldiers present are from other states working under federal Title 10 orders. The agent clarified that California soldiers are primarily assisting with drug interdiction at ports of entry, rather than at the mass crossing hot spots.

Finn, a Fox News correspondent, also weighed in on Newsom's video, stating that he has not seen a single CA National Guard member during his time at the border in Jacumba. Finn witnessed migrants illegally crossing the border throughout the day, including individuals from China, Iran, Yemen, and Nepal.

Newsom's Border Guard Boast Debunked

Newsom's Border Guard Boast Debunked

OutKick host Tomi Lahren criticized Newsom for his "bold-faced lie," accusing him of taking a "vanity shot" at the border. She emphasized that Newsom's false claims undermine the trust of his constituents and the American people.

A spokesperson for Newsom's office responded to Fox News Digital, stating that "The Governor's words speak for themselves." Newsom has not provided any further evidence to support his claim of doubling the National Guard presence on the southern border.

Newsom's Border Guard Boast Debunked

Newsom's Border Guard Boast Debunked

The controversy surrounding Newsom's border claims highlights the importance of accurate and verifiable information in public discourse. Critics have accused Newsom of using misleading rhetoric to advance his political agenda, while supporters have defended his statements as an effort to raise awareness of the challenges at the border.

As the debate continues, it remains essential for both sides to engage in fact-based discussion and avoid perpetuating misinformation. The southern border remains a complex and challenging issue, and it is crucial that policymakers and the public have access to accurate and reliable information in order to make informed decisions.

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