Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

  • Ramon Nikolaus III
  • September 2, 2024 09:04pm
  • 299

Joshua Haskell, a recent Notre Dame graduate, is on a mission to address the pervasive issue of pornography addiction among young men. His peer-led, in-person small group program, Ethos National, has gained immense popularity on campuses across the country, providing a safe space for men to find freedom from this addiction.

Joshua Haskell, a recent Notre Dame graduate, is on a mission to address the pervasive issue of pornography addiction among young men. His peer-led, in-person small group program, Ethos National, has gained immense popularity on campuses across the country, providing a safe space for men to find freedom from this addiction.

Haskell struggled with a pornography addiction that he eventually overcame in college. Alarmed by statistics indicating that over 90% of men watch pornography monthly and that a majority of scenes portray violence and aggression against women, he felt compelled to take action.

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

Halfway through his senior year, Haskell abandoned a finance job in New York to pursue his mission full-time. In May, he founded Ethos National, which he aims to expand to every college in the U.S.

"I felt called more to expanding this and making a franchise model that can really just be replicated at universities around the country," he told Fox News Digital.

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

Last August, Haskell published his personal experience with pornography addiction in Notre Dame's school newspaper to spread the word about his program. He was surprised by the overwhelmingly positive response from students, faculty, and alumni.

"There was an overwhelmingly positive response at Notre Dame from men, women, professors, alumni, just overwhelmingly positive," he said.

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

Across campus, people approached Haskell to share their own stories and thank him for starting the program. The program's small group format fosters accountability and vulnerability, creating a safe space for participants to open up and seek support.

"People would open up to me, which is a really powerful thing," he added to Fox News Digital. "When people know that they're safe to share a story like that with me, because they know I've experienced it myself, it invites a lot of bravery from others as well."

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

Notre Dame Grad Breaks Cycle of Porn Addiction, Launches Nationwide Program

From its humble beginnings with the goal of recruiting 10 participants, the program quickly attracted over 100 within two weeks. Groups meet once a week for a half hour, and each participant has an accountability partner that they call every day, reinforcing consistency and vulnerability. Haskell also recommends a complete technology detox to remove any temptation.

Ethos National will soon be launching an app, a student leader training program, and a curriculum that will be available to thousands of students. Haskell emphasizes the importance of reducing the stigma surrounding pornography addiction, acknowledging its prevalence and encouraging individuals to seek help.

Haskell's exposure to pornography at the age of 15 led him down a path of addiction and shame. At the age of 18, he realized he had hit "rock bottom" and joined an online accountability group. Witnessing the struggles of older men motivated him to take action and prevent others from facing similar consequences.

"For me, it just felt like this time machine where I was just given this image of myself in the future if I didn't act right now," he said.

Haskell encourages young people to seek help as soon as possible, recognizing that pornography addiction is not something one can simply "grow out of." He emphasizes the powerlessness associated with this addiction and the importance of acknowledging it.

"Especially for young people, there's this image that you get married, you get in a committed relationship, and this is something that kind of disappears," he said. "People try to shake it and then they cannot do it and that sort of powerlessness is very frustrating."

The overwhelming support Haskell received at Notre Dame reflects the need for this type of program. He believes that the lack of existing programs was primarily due to the stigma surrounding pornography addiction. By providing a safe and supportive environment, Ethos National is filling a crucial gap in addressing this widespread issue among young men.

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