Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

  • Rudolph Rutherford IV
  • July 7, 2024 10:04pm
  • 345

Sam Mardaie, owner of the Oakland gas station ransacked by a flash mob, speaks out on the Bay Area crime crisis, criticizing the police's delayed response to his call for help.

In the heart of Oakland, California, Sam Mardaie, a Yemeni immigrant, wakes up every morning with a sense of trepidation. His gas station, a source of livelihood for his family, has become a target for criminals. On Friday, his worst fears were realized when a flash mob ransacked his business, leaving him with approximately $100,000 worth of damage.

"My aunts, my uncles, were talking about [how] the U.S. is the place to be, and then you turn out to this and see something like this happen, and it's scary. It just shouldn't be happening," Mardaie said in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

The incident, captured on video, shows a group of individuals entering the gas station, ripping shelves apart, and stealing everything in sight. According to Mardaie, the thieves were upset because the 24/7 store was only offering window service during the overnight hours.

"They just came in, like, a flash mob," Mardaie recounted. "They just started taking stuff. They were throwing stuff on the ground. They were breaking the windows. They were just destroying everything."

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

Mardaie's employees were threatened by the suspects during the chaos, and Mardaie himself was forced to watch in horror as his life's work crumbled before his eyes. "I was just scared," he said. "I didn't know what to do."

He called 911 multiple times, but claims that it took police hours to respond. "We had no response from them," he said. "I would understand if they came in an hour or two hours later after the incident, but not until 2:30. That's the time they showed up."

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

The Oakland Police Department has defended its response, claiming that it initially ranked the crime as a Priority 2 due to no suspects being on the scene and the ability to report the incident online. However, after video of the incident was released, the crime was upgraded to a Priority 1 and an officer was dispatched.

Mardaie is meeting with the local chief of police on Wednesday to discuss the incident and his concerns about the response time. "We got no excuse from them, not even an apology [for] not even showing up, not even having the courtesy to show up even," he said.

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

Mardaie's experience highlights the ongoing crime crisis in the Bay Area, where business owners and residents feel increasingly unsafe. "It's just unbelievable," he said. "Crime in the Bay Area remains a major concern for business owners and residents, who feel as if they must be extra vigilant."

"If I go to say something, I might get shot," he said. "It's just a very dangerous situation."

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

Oakland Gas Station Owner Devastated After Flash Mob Ransacking: 'It Just Shouldn't Be Happening'

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