Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Finds Filming Reality TV More Challenging Than Performing on Stage

  • Arnoldo Heaney
  • June 30, 2024 11:03pm
  • 260

Despite her experience as a former Miss Universe and stage performer, Olivia Culpo says that she finds filming reality TV much harder. She explains that music has a cathartic effect on both the performer and the audience, making it a more enjoyable experience for her.

Olivia Culpo, the former Miss Universe and current reality TV star, recently sat down with Fox News Digital to discuss her experience on both stage and screen. Surprisingly, she revealed that she finds filming reality TV much harder than performing on stage, despite her extensive experience in front of both live and camera audiences.

"I think performing on stage is more cathartic for me," Culpo explained. "There's something about being in front of a live audience and feeling the energy of the crowd that I really enjoy. It's a very freeing experience for me, and I feel like I can really express myself."

Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Finds Filming Reality TV More Challenging Than Performing on Stage

Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Finds Filming Reality TV More Challenging Than Performing on Stage

In contrast, Culpo finds filming reality TV to be more challenging and less rewarding. "With reality TV, you don't have the same level of control over the situation," she said. "You're constantly being filmed and edited, and you have to be very careful about what you say and do."

Culpo also noted that the lack of direct feedback from an audience makes it difficult to gauge her performance on reality TV. "When you're on stage, you can see the reaction of the audience and adjust accordingly," she said. "With reality TV, you don't have that luxury, so you just have to hope for the best."

Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Finds Filming Reality TV More Challenging Than Performing on Stage

Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Finds Filming Reality TV More Challenging Than Performing on Stage

Despite these challenges, Culpo says that she still enjoys filming reality TV. "I think it's a great way to connect with people and share my life with them," she said. "I'm also grateful for the opportunity to show people a different side of me than what they might see on stage."

Culpo's experience highlights the different challenges faced by performers in different mediums. While both stage and screen can offer rewarding experiences, each requires its own unique set of skills and abilities.

Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Finds Filming Reality TV More Challenging Than Performing on Stage

Olivia Culpo Explains Why She Finds Filming Reality TV More Challenging Than Performing on Stage

Here are some additional insights from Culpo on the differences between performing on stage and filming reality TV:

* "On stage, you have more control over your performance and the audience's reaction. With reality TV, you have to be more cautious and aware of how you will be portrayed."

* "Music is more cathartic for me than reality TV. It's a way for me to express myself and connect with others."

* "I still enjoy filming reality TV, but it's definitely more challenging than performing on stage."

Ultimately, Culpo says that the best way to overcome the challenges of filming reality TV is to be yourself and stay true to your values. "Don't let the cameras or the editing process change who you are," she advises. "Just be yourself, and people will appreciate you for it."

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