Panama and the U.S. Join Forces to Stem Migration Through the Darien Gap

  • Ms. Adele Johnson
  • July 3, 2024 04:03am
  • 365

The United States and Panama have signed an agreement to address the influx of migrants traversing the perilous Darien Gap. The deal will provide financial assistance, equipment, and training to support repatriation efforts and deter irregular migration.

The United States and Panama have forged an agreement to tackle the surge in migration through the Darien Gap, a dangerous jungle region connecting Panama and Colombia. Under the memorandum of understanding, the U.S. will provide financial support, equipment, and training to facilitate the repatriation of migrants who enter Panama illegally.

The agreement aims to reduce the number of migrants smuggled through the Darien Gap, disrupt illicit smuggling networks, and curb irregular migration at the southern border of the United States. It aligns with the Biden administration's efforts to address the immigration crisis and its commitment to a regional response to migration challenges.

Panama and the U.S. Join Forces to Stem Migration Through the Darien Gap

Panama and the U.S. Join Forces to Stem Migration Through the Darien Gap

Panama's new President, José Raúl Mulino, has pledged to shut down migration through the Darien Gap. The Panamanian government has expressed its concern over the impact of uncontrolled migration on the country's security and humanitarian resources. The agreement will bolster Panama's capacity to manage migration, including the screening and repatriation of migrants who do not meet legal entry requirements.

The United States will cover the cost of repatriation flights or commercial airplane tickets for migrants to return to their countries of origin. This assistance will enhance Panama's repatriation program and facilitate the removal of undocumented migrants. The U.S. will also provide equipment and logistics support to strengthen Panama's border security and intelligence capabilities.

Panama and the U.S. Join Forces to Stem Migration Through the Darien Gap

Panama and the U.S. Join Forces to Stem Migration Through the Darien Gap

U.S. Homeland Security teams will work with Panama to train personnel and build expertise in conducting removals. This includes screening migrants to determine their eligibility for protections and adhering to international standards. However, the U.S. will not be involved in deportation decisions, which will be made solely by the Panamanian government.

The Darien Gap has become a major migration corridor for people from the Southern Hemisphere seeking to reach the United States. Over half a million people crossed the region last year, with the majority originating from Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, and China. The journey is fraught with dangers, including dense jungle terrain, treacherous rivers, and armed groups.

The agreement with Panama reflects the Biden administration's efforts to address immigration challenges. Amidst an election year, the administration has faced criticism over border security and asylum policies. The administration has implemented measures to limit access to asylum and expand pathways to legal immigration.

The agreement between the United States and Panama represents a significant step in addressing the migration crisis in the region. By providing financial assistance, equipment, and expertise, the U.S. is supporting Panama's efforts to manage migration flows and deter irregular crossings. The collaboration highlights the need for a comprehensive and regional approach to migration challenges.

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