Peruvian Lawmakers Attempt Fifth Removal Effort Against President Boluarte Amid Ongoing Investigations

  • Garland Purdy
  • May 17, 2024 01:00am
  • 273

Peruvian lawmakers have initiated another attempt to remove President Dina Boluarte from office, citing "moral incapacity" as the reason. This latest effort marks the fifth removal request brought against Boluarte, who has survived four previous attempts thanks to the support of conservative lawmakers.

Peruvian Lawmakers Attempt Fifth Removal Effort Against President Boluarte Amid Ongoing Investigations

Peruvian lawmakers have once again initiated efforts to remove President Dina Boluarte from office, citing "moral incapacity" as the reason for their request. This latest attempt marks the fifth removal effort against Boluarte, who has managed to survive the previous four attempts due to the support of conservative lawmakers.

The small legislative opposition group that submitted the removal request stated that they were motivated by "the serious new acts" allegedly committed by Boluarte, which they claim are "incompatible with continuing to lead the country." This announcement comes less than a week after prosecutors opened an investigation into the Boluarte administration's decision to disband a police unit that was investigating the activities of her inner circle, including one of her brothers.

Peruvian Lawmakers Attempt Fifth Removal Effort Against President Boluarte Amid Ongoing Investigations

Boluarte, who became president in December 2022 after replacing former President Pedro Castillo, is facing mounting pressure due to various investigations against her and her inner circle. One of the investigations focuses on her use of three luxury watches and fine jewelry that she failed to declare in a mandatory asset declaration form. Authorities estimate the value of these items could exceed $500,000.

In late March, armed police officers broke down the front door of Boluarte's house with a battering ram and entered the property to search for the watches. This marked the first time in Peru's history that police forcibly entered the home of a sitting president.

In addition to the investigation into the luxury watches, authorities have arrested Boluarte's brother and her lawyer in connection with an investigation into influence peddling. The document accuses the president's brother, Nicanor Boluarte, of working to appoint government officials in exchange for money and an agreement to gather signatures to register a political party. Meanwhile, authorities accuse attorney Mateo Castañeda of interfering with the investigation into Nicanor Boluarte by offering certain benefits to members of the now-disbanded police unit.

The latest removal effort must earn 52 votes in order for Parliament to accept it and open a debate. To remove Boluarte from office, the move requires 87 votes from the 130-seat unicameral Parliament. Boluarte, a 61-year-old lawyer, has stated that she is innocent of any wrongdoing and has vowed to remain in office.

As the investigations and impeachment proceedings continue, Boluarte's presidency remains under significant pressure. It remains to be seen whether the latest removal effort will succeed or if Boluarte will be able to withstand the challenges and maintain her position as president.

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