Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

  • Dr. Ottilie Langosh
  • June 16, 2024 03:04am
  • 101

Dr. Jordan Peterson's new online university, Peterson Academy, promises to offer a true education free from political correctness and woke themes, while also being significantly more affordable than traditional universities.

Dr. Jordan Peterson's new online university, Peterson Academy, is set to launch at the end of June, offering students access to top lecturers worldwide without the burden of political agendas or exorbitant costs.

Peterson describes the academy as a "genuine university," featuring the best university professors who will teach only what they are passionate about, in the manner they prefer. The academy will produce high-quality courses filmed in studios or at the professors' homes, covering a wide range of subjects.

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Peterson is particularly excited about his own course on the first half of Friedrich Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil," as well as courses on the Sermon on the Mount and various psychologists.

Peterson Academy will also feature a robust social media network to connect students with similar ambitions and aspirations for education. The platform aims to create the best social media experience, fostering a community of learners.

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Importantly, Peterson Academy will not be influenced by political correctness or woke ideology. Peterson emphasizes that it is "an educational enterprise," not a political one.

Peterson Academy is also a response to the "demented" state of traditional universities, which he believes have become corrupted by leftist ideology. He argues that these universities are "unsalvageable" and no longer provide a genuine education.

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Peterson Academy offers a much more affordable option than traditional colleges. Peterson aims to reduce the cost of a bachelor's degree or equivalent by 95%, with the current target set at $500 per year. He believes that free education can be problematic, as it attracts charlatans and parasites.

While Peterson Academy is not currently accredited, Peterson believes that the quality of education provided will supersede the need for formal accreditation. Employers will be assured that students who complete courses have mastered the material thoroughly.

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Peterson Academy: Jordan Peterson's Alternative to 'Demented' Universities

Peterson acknowledges that accreditation is a "tie-in" to the existing system, but he is optimistic that Peterson Academy can establish its own reputation and standards of excellence.

Peterson Academy is a testament to the growing dissatisfaction with traditional education and the desire for alternatives that emphasize true education, affordability, and freedom from ideological agendas.

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