Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

  • Annalise Fisher
  • August 22, 2024 03:04pm
  • 161

Democrats are hosting an "abortion-palooza" in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention, with Planned Parenthood operating a mobile clinic providing free abortions. Pro-life activists are outraged, calling it a "disgusting celebration of abortion" and urging Democrats to prioritize support for pregnant women.

Democrats are making abortion a central theme at their "abortion-palooza" in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention. Planned Parenthood has parked a mobile clinic near the convention, offering free abortions, drawing condemnation from pro-life activists.

Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats For Life of America, expressed her disgust at the "degrading of human life and women" involved in the abortion clinic. She emphasized that Planned Parenthood's focus on abortion undermines its mission of supporting pregnant women.

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Day criticized the "constant celebration of abortion" by the Democratic Party, which she believes is harmful to women. She cited statistics showing that states with the highest abortion rates do not report adverse effects or multiple abortions, raising concerns about women's health.

In contrast to the DNC's emphasis on abortion, Day called for Democrats to prioritize support for pregnant women and new mothers. She stressed that this aligns with Democratic values and serves the most vulnerable in society.

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Day predicted that the DNC would ignore the issue of "respecting life," further motivating Democrats For Life of America. She outlined their efforts to provide resources and support to pregnant women and new mothers, which she believes the Democrats should prioritize.

Democrats have made abortion a central theme in their campaigns, warning that Republican control would result in a nationwide ban. Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade and Vice President Kamala Harris's prominence, rhetoric around "a woman's right to choose" has intensified.

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Day expressed skepticism about Harris's commitment to addressing the concerns of pro-life Democrats. She stated that while former Presidents Clinton and Obama embraced the "safe, legal, and rare" mantra, Harris prioritizes abortion.

She questioned whether Harris or other top Democrats have engaged with women who regret abortions, sought support from pregnancy centers, or chosen to keep babies conceived in rape. Day argued that the "celebration of abortion" further harms women who have made difficult decisions.

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Day has attempted to engage with Democratic leaders at the DNC, seeking their views on the inclusion of pro-life voices in the party. However, she reported that DNC chair Jaime Harrison refused to meet with her or other pro-life Democrats.

A DNC spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment on Harrison's refusal. Day expressed frustration and a sense of hostility from Democrats due to her pro-life stance. She suggested that the Democratic Party is narrowing its focus, potentially leading to a shift of pro-life Democrats to the Republican Party.

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Planned Parenthood Mobile Clinic Offers Free Abortions Near DNC, Sparking Outrage

Day emphasized that the abortion issue has become more important than winning elections for the Democratic Party. She stressed that Democrats For Life of America will consider leaving the party if the "onslaught of abortion glorification" continues.

The group has organized a diaper drive in Chicago, raising thousands of dollars for families. Day stated that they are working with local pregnancy centers to fulfill their requests for support.

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