President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being "Dumb" or Having "Other Motive

  • Nicolette Crona PhD
  • September 22, 2024 02:04am
  • 228

President Biden made controversial remarks, labeling individuals who dismiss the impacts of climate change as "either really really dumb or [having] some other motive."

In an address at the Emergency Operations Center in Washington, D.C., President Biden took aim at climate change skeptics, asserting that their denial stems from either "extreme ignorance or ulterior motives."

Biden's comments drew reactions from various quarters. Some liberal Gen Z and millennial people of color confided in a gender studies professor that anxieties about racial and environmental issues are deterring them from starting families.

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being "Dumb" or Having "Other Motive

Jade S. Sasser, an associate professor at UC Riverside, conducted a series of interviews with young adults of color on this topic. One of the participants, Melanie, a 26-year-old Native American woman, expressed moral concerns about bringing children into a world facing climate crisis.

"The planet's going to do what the planet's going to do... So... it almost feels, like, kind of shameful to want to have children," Melanie said.

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being "Dumb" or Having "Other Motive

Another interviewee, Juliana, a 23-year-old Mexican American woman, cited environmental and mental health concerns as reasons for her reluctance to have children. She questioned her ability to provide adequate care for a child amidst the challenges of queer and transgender identities.

Elena, from a Salvadoran immigrant family, attributed her wariness to environmental studies courses. She expressed fears about the potential impacts of sea level rise and extreme weather on future generations.

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being "Dumb" or Having "Other Motive

"I don't want them to grow up and have to leave their home because of sea level rise. Or be worried because of really weird weather patterns," she said.

Racism also emerged as a significant deterrent for some interviewees. Rosalind, a 38-year-old Black woman of Caribbean origin, expressed concerns about her children facing anti-Black violence and police brutality.

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being

President Biden Accuses Climate Change Deniers of Being "Dumb" or Having "Other Motive

"I see so many of my friends who do have children that are constantly stressed because of this, especially the ones who have teenage boys who are taller than average," she said. "They send their kids out there and then just spend their time worrying about whether their child is going to be targeted or harassed in some way, or potentially killed."

Biden's remarks and the concerns expressed by these young adults highlight the complex interplay between climate change, social justice, and personal choices. They underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges posed by environmental degradation while ensuring the well-being and future prospects of all individuals.

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