Presidential Debate: Van Jones Warns Biden of "Senior Moment

  • Dr. Xavier Marks
  • June 27, 2024 11:03pm
  • 336

CNN political commentator Van Jones cautions President Biden that a "senior moment" during Thursday night's presidential debate with former President Trump could have detrimental consequences, as Biden faces scrutiny over his age and mental acuity.

CNN political commentator Van Jones has issued a stern warning to President Biden, urging him to avoid any missteps during tonight's presidential debate with former President Donald Trump. Jones believes that a "senior moment" could prove costly for Biden, given Trump's tendency to exploit such gaffes.

"Biden could have a senior moment," Jones cautioned on Thursday morning on CNN. "It won't be forgiven."

Presidential Debate: Van Jones Warns Biden of

Presidential Debate: Van Jones Warns Biden of "Senior Moment

This debate will be the first time Biden and Trump have squared off on stage since the 2020 election. The event, which will be aired on CNN and simulcast on Fox News, holds significant implications for the upcoming presidential election.

Jones, who has previously expressed concern over Biden's declining support among young voters, identified a major on-stage slip-up as the worst possible outcome for the president.

Presidential Debate: Van Jones Warns Biden of

Presidential Debate: Van Jones Warns Biden of "Senior Moment

"People have senior moments all the time," Jones acknowledged. "I say dumb stuff all the time. But if [Biden] does something that's more than usual, that could be very bad for him."

Jones also highlighted the challenges facing Trump in this particular debate format.

Presidential Debate: Van Jones Warns Biden of

Presidential Debate: Van Jones Warns Biden of "Senior Moment

"Trump has problems tonight as well," Jones asserted. "Trump's in a box he's never been in before. There's no audience. So that oxygen that he gets from dropping his insults, comic stuff — there's no one that's going to be laughing at his jokes."

"He's not used to that," Jones continued. "Number two: the mic getting cut off is going to mess him up. Because he loves to run over people. That's his main thing. Won't be able to do it. Number three: he's got to pretend to be somebody he's not. He's got to pretend to be presidential."

Jones criticized Republicans for lowering the debate expectations for Biden.

"I don't know what they're doing," Jones remarked. "They literally made it, ‘if Biden can walk out there on his own legs … if he doesn’t walk out there with a walker, then he can be president.'"

However, Jones cautioned against underestimating Trump's capabilities.

"Donald Trump is a force of nature," Jones asserted. "Anyone that's been in a room with this guy, he's a freight train, he's a grizzly bear."

"Anybody that can stand up to that guy for an hour and a half — I couldn't stand the guy for an hour and a half — is fit to be president," Jones declared. "So if [Biden's] able to do it, if he's able to put some lefts and rights together for an hour and a half against this guy, it is going to be requalifying" for the president.

Both the Trump and Biden campaigns have declined to comment on the upcoming debate.

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