Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

  • Mrs. Margarett Kulas II
  • July 24, 2024 02:03am
  • 185

Pro-life advocates are rallying behind the Republican Party's softened stance on abortion, seeing new opportunities to mobilize support against Democratic front-runner Kamala Harris, who they believe can be painted as an "extremist" on the issue.

In the wake of the Republican National Convention, pro-life advocates initially expressed disappointment over the party's softened language on abortion in its platform. However, the emergence of Kamala Harris as the Democratic frontrunner has re-energized these groups, who believe they can successfully portray Harris as an "extremist" on abortion and rally support for Republican candidates.

This shift in sentiment was revealed in a memo obtained by Fox News Digital, in which SBA Pro-Life America, a leading pro-life advocacy group, urged Republican officials to unite against Harris' "radical record on abortion." The memo highlights Harris' unwavering support for abortion and her opposition to any limits, including those on abortions at 20 weeks and medical care for babies who survive an abortion attempt.

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

Pro-life groups are particularly incensed by Harris' past actions as California attorney general, where she supported legislation forcing pregnancy resource centers to advertise for abortion clinics and attempted to shut down these centers, which provide free medical care and other necessities to pregnant women.

The memo contrasts Harris' stance with that of President Biden, an Irish Catholic who has historically supported some limits on abortion. Pro-life advocates believe that by highlighting Harris' extremism, they can appeal to moderate voters who may be concerned about the Democrats' abortion policies.

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, has expressed the renewed enthusiasm among pro-life activists to rally against Harris' record. She noted that the GOP platform changes may have caused some initial disappointment, but Harris' emergence as the top Democratic candidate has rekindled their resolve.

Republican pro-life activists have similarly expressed optimism that Harris' candidacy will force their candidates to take a more forceful stance on abortion and demonstrate the stark contrast between the two parties' positions. They believe that with Harris as the Democratic frontrunner, it will be easier to paint her as an extreme outlier on abortion and mobilize support among moderates.

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

One pro-life activist went so far as to call Harris a "stooge for Big Abortion," who voted against legislation providing health care to babies born alive from failed abortions. This stance, the activist believes, makes it particularly easy to portray Harris as the extremist she is.

Another pro-life activist emphasized the importance of highlighting the issue of abortion in the upcoming election cycle, particularly with Harris as the presidential candidate. They believe that by exposing Harris' radical stance, it will become evident that the Democratic Party supports abortion on demand at any time and for any reason.

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

Pro-Life Advocates Re-Energized by Kamala Harris' Abortion Stance

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