Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

  • Aaliyah Weissnat
  • September 27, 2024 01:04pm
  • 225

More than two dozen prostitutes openly solicit sex along a commercial strip in Queens, creating a scene reminiscent of Bangkok's infamous red-light district, while pimps intimidate local businesses. Residents complain of rampant illegal vending, pickpocketing, and a sense of lawlessness that has deteriorated their neighborhood. Elected officials and police are accused of turning a blind eye to the situation, leaving the community feeling neglected and desperate.

## Article:

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

In the heart of Queens, along Roosevelt Avenue, a once-bustling commercial strip has transformed into a hotbed of vice. More than two dozen prostitutes, mostly Asian and Hispanic women, scantily clad, line blocks of the avenue, brazenly soliciting sex at all hours of the day and night. Their pimps operate in the shadows, instilling fear into local business owners and residents.

The neighborhood, home to a large migrant population, has become known as the "Avenue of the Sweethearts." However, the presence of prostitutes outside schools and taekwondo centers has normalized the situation for children, who routinely pass by the women.

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

Residents report that students encounter prostitutes on their way to school or taekwondo classes, and that shoplifting and pickpocketing are rampant. Illegal vendors selling everything from used clothes to food overrun the sidewalks, undercutting legitimate businesses and operating without any health certifications.

Lawlessness breeds more lawlessness, say business owners, who fear the area is becoming unsafe. On September 18, the NYPD raided a brothel just off Roosevelt Avenue and arrested three people. The following evening, an alleged sex worker and her john were seen casually leaving the same building, indicating that the raid had little impact.

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell suspects members of the brutal Tren de Aragua gang are linked to prostitution in the area, trafficking women into the industry to repay debts for smuggling them into the country.

Ramses Frías, a local resident turned activist, is furious with the deterioration of his neighborhood. "It feels like Bangkok with women outside locations and pulling men off the street," he said. "This has been run rampant with prostitution. It's just been out of control."

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

Frías accuses local elected officials of neglecting the area and failing to address the concerns of residents. "This area has been run rampant with prostitution. It's just been out of control, and the lawlessness continues to happen."

Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels and a Republican candidate for mayor, says prostitution has exploded in the neighborhood after being driven out of nearby Flushing. "It was never like this. It was a family area with a lot of retail," he said. "The Chinese community pushed it out of Flushing, and Asian cops were getting busted because they were on the take. So they just decided, the madams, bring the girls over here, and it's open prostitution, 24/7."

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

Sliwa slams the January raid by the NYPD as a "show raid" with no arrests or consequences. "They didn't arrest the johns, prostitutes, madams; they never went after the landlords, and they were back in business the next day," he said. "This is so unfair, and the mayor is allowing a culture of corruption to exist."

The Queens District Attorney's Office confirms no arrests were made in the raid, stating it was strictly carried out to serve court closure orders of nuisance abatement.

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

"This would never be tolerated in Manhattan. They tolerate it because it's a poor and impoverished area in the eyes of many New Yorkers, but that doesn't give you a reason to allow this to exist," Sliwa said.

Meanwhile, Frías organizes a rally to voice the community's concerns and demand action from city officials. "We're going to have a rally coming up on September 29, and we're going to let our voices be heard and make sure that the city understands that they need to come over here and do their job," he said.

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose district includes Roosevelt Avenue, has been criticized for her absence from the neighborhood since a rally in August 2023. Residents accuse her of neglecting their concerns. "She does not visit this area; this is actually an area where she campaigned the hardest and a lot of people went out to vote for her, and she doesn't come over here. She has totally neglected us," said Frías.

Her office did not respond to requests for comment.

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

Councilmember Francisco Moya, who has advocated for "clean streets" in the area, accuses fellow Democrats of undermining his efforts to shut down the brothels and illegal vendors. "After COVID, the situation has worsened significantly. The influx of migrants plays a part in this issue, as many have no other means of survival," he said.

"I’ve lived my entire life in this district, and I’ve never seen it this bad," Moya said. "The fact is the migrants are here, and they want to work."

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in

Prostitution and Crime Run Rampant in "Third World" District of New York City

However, Moya argues that prostitution should be legalized and regulated in designated areas, not near schools or other public places.

As the community grapples with the consequences of rampant prostitution and lawlessness, they demand urgent action from elected officials and law enforcement to restore order and safety to their neighborhood.

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