Putin Must Be Laughing: Laura Ingraham Shreds 'Soviet-Style Justice' in Trump Verdict

  • Darien Bednar
  • May 31, 2024 03:04pm
  • 251

Fox News host Laura Ingraham blasts the "Soviet-style justice" behind the guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump in the New York civil case, claiming it has reached a "once-unthinkable low" in U.S. history.

Putin Must Be Laughing: Laura Ingraham Shreds 'Soviet-Style Justice' in Trump Verdict

Fox News host Laura Ingraham has vehemently denounced the guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump in the New York civil case, accusing the prosecution of using "Soviet-style justice" to eliminate a political threat. In her fiery monologue on "The Ingraham Angle," Ingraham expressed her outrage over the verdict, which she characterized as a "once-unthinkable low" in American history.

Ingraham emphasized the absurdity of the charges against Trump, asserting that he was found guilty on all 34 counts without credible evidence. She drew parallels to the authoritarian tactics employed in the Kremlin, where individuals perceived as threats are silenced through judicial persecution.

"Putin must be laughing watching Judge Merchan run his courtroom like any Kremlin crony would run his own in Moscow," Ingraham said. "Whenever a viable threat to his power base emerges, just take it out with Soviet-style justice. Find a crime — any crime — and charge him with it."

Ingraham highlighted the hypocrisy of those who previously accused Trump of Russian collusion, only to now engage in what she called "Russian impersonation." She pointed to the zeal with which anti-Trump factions celebrated the verdict, indulging in fantasies of his imprisonment at Rikers Island.

"This is what's facing Biden's likely successor now, Donald Trump," Ingraham warned. "A politically motivated persecution, designed to prevent him from challenging the status quo and threatening the Biden administration."

Ingraham questioned the motivations behind the charges, suggesting that they were strategically timed to influence the upcoming presidential election. She expressed concern that the precedent set by the Trump verdict could pave the way for future political witch hunts.

"By weaponizing law enforcement against political opponents, they are setting a dangerous precedent that will have far-reaching consequences," Ingraham said. "The American legal system was once considered sacrosanct, but now it has become a tool for political retribution."

Ingraham urged her viewers to resist the ongoing attempts to erode the rule of law and ensure that every citizen receives fair and impartial treatment under the law, regardless of their political affiliations.

"We must never allow justice to become a partisan tool," Ingraham emphasized. "The fate of our nation depends on it."

Ingraham's fiery commentary resonated with many conservatives, who have expressed outrage over the perceived bias in the Trump case. Critics, however, have accused Ingraham of perpetuating unfounded conspiracy theories and undermining the legitimacy of the legal process.

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