Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

  • Mrs. Una Powlowski III
  • June 27, 2024 05:04am
  • 314

A Minnesota home has collapsed into the Blue Earth River after the Rapidan Dam partially failed due to heavy rainfall, putting residents on high alert. The dam's continued vulnerability has officials monitoring for downstream impacts and focusing on the safety of a nearby bridge.

Blue Earth County, Minnesota – The Rapidan Dam in Blue Earth County, Minnesota, is teetering on the brink of failure, prompting heightened vigilance among residents as water levels surge. A chilling video captured the moment a home on the Blue Earth River's banks plummeted into the roaring waters, its collapse triggered by relentless erosion caused by the compromised dam.

The home, situated next to the dam, succumbed to the weakened bluff's edge at approximately 9:45 p.m., according to Blue Earth County officials. Footage recorded by onlookers from the opposite bank depicts a sizeable portion of the structure breaking away and plunging into the raging river. The catastrophic event was swiftly followed by a towering tree tumbling into the torrent.

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Fortunately, the home had been evacuated prior to its collapse, as reported by FOX9 Minneapolis. Authorities from Blue Earth County's Public Works, emergency management, and sheriff's office are vigilantly monitoring the situation for potential downstream consequences.

The Rapidan Dam is strategically located about 14 miles south of Mankato in Southern Minnesota. The partial failure of the dam occurred over the weekend, with heavy rainfall diverting water around the structure's west side rather than discharging it through the designated gates.

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Reports indicate that dramatic changes transpired overnight on Wednesday morning, as the channel of water escaping through the dam's west side continued to widen and deepen, exacerbating the erosion of the riverbank's soil. Officials are密切关注impacts downstream.

A somber shift in focus has occurred, with officials now primarily concerned about the safety of a bridge near the compromised dam. The velocity of the rushing waters continues to hinder emergency mitigation efforts.

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Blue Earth County Administrator Bob Meyer emphasized the gravity of the situation stating, "The dam is not a threat at this time. The threat is the bridge."

Meyer further elaborated that the primary concern is the potential collapse of the bridge, which could unleash a catastrophic surge of water downstream, threatening both property and infrastructure. "That's the greatest threat that we have right now," he said.

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Rapidan Dam Collapse Sends House into River as Minnesota Emergency Escalates

Residents in the vicinity are urged to remain vigilant and closely follow updates from local authorities. The situation remains highly fluid, and residents should adhere to any evacuation orders promptly. Emergency responders are working diligently to protect lives and property while closely monitoring the dam's condition and potential downstream impacts.

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