Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

  • Dr. Stella Welch
  • June 18, 2024 10:04am
  • 108

Internal data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) obtained by Fox News shows a staggering backlog of over 7 million non-detained cases, representing a surge in illegal immigration from 177 countries.

The United States has witnessed an unprecedented influx of undocumented immigrants from nearly every corner of the globe, with Mexico's National Institute of Migration reporting that nearly 1.4 million individuals traveled through the country into the U.S. between January and May of this year. This surge, coupled with a backlog of over 7 million non-detained cases at ICE, has overwhelmed the social services system and led to concerns about crime and security.

"This 'huge variety' of countries is unprecedented," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. "There were always a few 'exotics,' but now you're getting people from everywhere because President Biden has essentially invited mass illegal immigration by letting people get across the border."

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

The influx has put a strain on social services, crowding school districts and contributing to homelessness. It has also raised concerns about crime, as illegal immigrants have been charged with high-profile crimes like murder.

Immigration statistics on crime vary, but some studies indicate a link between immigration and spikes in violence. "It doesn't matter," said Krikorian. "Victims have allegedly died at the hands of suspects 'who shouldn't have been here' in the U.S. in the first place. This is a direct result of Biden's invitation to people around the world to illegally migrate to the United States."

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

Illegal immigration from Mexico into the U.S. is not new, but the global influx through this busiest corridor has created an irreversible situation. Deporting all the immigrants would be a complex and costly process, as each country has different requirements for travel documents and proof of identity. Many illegal aliens dispose of their documents to avoid detection, further complicating the process.

Logistically, deporting immigrants from 177 countries would require exponentially more flights and the involvement of numerous consular services and diplomatic agencies. Some countries may refuse to accept their citizens back or intentionally delay the process.

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

The ICE non-detained docket has surged to over 7 million cases in fiscal year 2024. This has placed a significant burden on ICE officers, who now manage an average of 7,000 cases each. The agency's website states that the program provides case-management support to released migrants to increase compliance with release conditions and court appearance rates.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals

Concerns about the sheer number of non-citizens being released into the U.S., coupled with staffing issues at ICE, have raised questions about border security and the ability to enforce immigration laws effectively.

Record Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data RevealsRecord Number of Non-Citizens Released into US, ICE Data Reveals
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