Rep. Bowman Condemns Haley's "Disgusting" Display of Support for Israeli Bombings

  • Mr. Erling Barrows
  • June 1, 2024 04:04pm
  • 371

Jamaal Bowman, a Democratic Congressman from New York, has fiercely criticized Nikki Haley's actions during a recent visit to Israel. Haley, a potential Republican presidential candidate, drew widespread condemnation for signing Israeli bombs inscribed with the message "Finish them!"

Rep. Bowman Condemns Haley's

In a scathing rebuke, Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) has denounced former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley's "disgusting" behavior during her visit to Israel. Bowman's condemnation followed the release of images showing Haley signing artillery shells with the inscription "Finish them!"

Rep. Bowman Condemns Haley's

"That is gross, that is disgusting, and Nikki Haley should be ashamed of herself," Bowman exclaimed, his voice charged with outrage. The images, shared by Israel's permanent representative to the UN, Danny Danon, captured Haley's visit to the country, where she met with military leaders and survivors of recent attacks.

Haley's actions have sparked a firestorm of controversy, with Bowman condemning her use of "genocidal language." He expressed concern that such language contributes to a growing sentiment among Americans against their government's foreign policy.

Rep. Bowman Condemns Haley's

Bowman, a staunch advocate for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, directed his criticism towards President Biden, calling on him to halt US support for Israel's military operations. "U.S. weapons are burning infant children alive," he asserted, emphasizing the urgent need for a peaceful resolution.

Bowman's call echoes the United Nations' International Court of Justice (ICJ) demand that Israel suspend its military operations in Gaza. The court's ruling highlights concerns over the potential for further civilian casualties, particularly in Rafah, Hamas's last stronghold.

President Biden has threatened to withhold weapons from Israel if it proceeds with an invasion of Rafah. In an interview, Biden stated that the use of US bombs in Gaza has resulted in civilian deaths and emphasized the potential consequences of further escalation.

Bowman's condemnation is part of a broader chorus of criticism against Haley's actions. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) joined Bowman in denouncing Haley's behavior, tweeting that her actions "send a signal that Palestinian lives don't matter."

Despite the widespread criticism, Nikki Haley has yet to publicly respond to the accusations. Fox News reached out to her for comment but did not receive an immediate response.

Meanwhile, Bowman's demands for a cease-fire and a reevaluation of US support for Israel continue to resonate. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East has raised serious questions about the morality and efficacy of military solutions. As civilian casualties mount, the international community is increasingly calling for a peaceful resolution that respects the rights and well-being of all parties involved.

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