Rob Schneider's "You Can Do It!": A Call to Defend Freedom of Speech

  • Stephania Bruen
  • September 21, 2024 04:04am
  • 179

Actor and comedian Rob Schneider's new book, "You Can Do It!", is a passionate plea for Americans to vigorously defend their First Amendment rights amidst concerns about their erosion by leftist forces. Drawing from his experiences and historical examples, Schneider argues that free speech is essential to prevent tyranny and that Americans must stand up for it now more than ever.

Comedian Rob Schneider's new book, "You Can Do It!" is a clarion call for Americans to defend their First Amendment rights, which he believes are under assault by leftist authoritarians using the levers of media, Big Tech, and the government's COVID-19 response.

Rob Schneider's

Rob Schneider's "You Can Do It!": A Call to Defend Freedom of Speech

Schneider, known for his memorable roles in "Saturday Night Live" and Adam Sandler movies, told Fox News Digital that his book is a call to action in a time when free speech is threatened.

"Now's the time to stand up. Now's the time for courage. I mean, this government and our freedoms require something – eternal vigilance. Or we'll lose it," Schneider said.

Rob Schneider's

Rob Schneider's "You Can Do It!": A Call to Defend Freedom of Speech

"You Can Do It!" draws from Schneider's experiences as a boundary-pushing comedian and actor to make the case that Americans shouldn't be afraid to speak their minds, especially in the face of powerful woke entities that see free speech as a threat to their power and control.

"Unfortunately, my book is timely, and I mean that because it's unfortunate that we need to have to talk about and reinforce what this nation is – one of its principal foundational beliefs – which is that, freedom of speech is the First Amendment, not third, not fourth, not even second," Schneider said.

Rob Schneider's

Rob Schneider's "You Can Do It!": A Call to Defend Freedom of Speech

He emphasized the importance of free speech in the nation's historical roots, stating, "Even before guns. Our government, our Founding Fathers realized that the real weapon to prevent tyranny, and this nation turning to tyranny – even more important than guns – was unfettered free speech."

The book contains revealing anecdotes about Schneider's relationships with legendary comedians like David Spade and Chris Farley, but its most poignant moments come in brief profiles of famous 20th century American comedians who risked their careers and even lives to make jokes that were offensive or unpopular at the time.

These profiles bolster the book's central argument that comedians have been at the forefront of defending Americans' First Amendment rights by pushing the boundaries of what can be said or thought in the public square. Schneider highlights this instinct as particularly crucial today, as the media and other powerful corporations have been "captured" by liberal beliefs that loathe dissent.

He identified this threat within the Democratic Party and Vice President Kamala Harris' agenda, stating, "And that is under attack by these, you know, Marxists in our government and I say Marxist in the traditional meaning of it. We are dealing with – Kamala Harris is a Marxist. Democrats don't watch free speech… Our system is corrupt, and if you want it to continue to get more corrupt then f-----g vote for Kamala."

Schneider urged Americans to never take for granted the privilege of living in a free country and to take responsibility for defending it.

"As I say in my book, there’s been 108 billion people that have lived according to modern science. Very few of them have had the great luxury of living in a free society. So maybe it's just an exception. Maybe this is just a blip in the history of humanity, and it won’t continue."

He expressed hope that it is not a blip, but declared, "people have to stand up now."

"You Can Do It!" will be available at major book retailers on September 24.

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