Russell Brand: Vote for Trump to Save Democracy from 'Technological Feudalism'

  • Ms. Aliyah Gislason Jr.
  • June 7, 2024 06:04pm
  • 223

Comedian and actor Russell Brand argues that voting for former President Donald Trump is the best way to protect democracy from the threat of "technological feudalism."

Russell Brand: Vote for Trump to Save Democracy from 'Technological Feudalism'

In an exclusive interview with RNC spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko on his podcast "Stay Free with Russell Brand," Brand expressed his support for Trump in the upcoming presidential election. He believes that Trump's opponents pose a greater threat to democracy than the former president himself.

"In a straight choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, if you care about democracy, if you care about freedom, I don't know how you could do anything other than vote for Donald Trump for precisely the reasons that they claim that you can't," Brand told Pipko.

Russell Brand: Vote for Trump to Save Democracy from 'Technological Feudalism'

Brand accused Trump's detractors of using "hysterical performances" and "endless MSNBC bombast" to portray Trump as a dangerous threat. He argued that the real danger lies in the growing power of "technological feudalism," which increases censorship, funds wars, and divides Americans.

"This is while you have an administration that's emulating his policies, plagiarizing from Donald Trump, while simultaneously criminalizing him from the weaponization of the legal system," Brand said.

Russell Brand: Vote for Trump to Save Democracy from 'Technological Feudalism'

Brand expressed concern about the "snobbery and contempt" among liberals towards Trump supporters. He believes that this attitude has fueled the criminalization of Trump and the weaponization of the legal system against him.

"For a long time, Elizabeth, I've been concerned about the snobbery and the contempt and condemnation in which people that support Donald Trump are plainly held by his detractors," Brand said.

Russell Brand: Vote for Trump to Save Democracy from 'Technological Feudalism'

Brand sees the ongoing portrayal of Trump as a "mad strongman figure" as a distraction from the real threats facing democracy. He warns of an "Orwellian nightmare" where government claims to protect citizens while increasing censorship and dividing society.

"The idea of this...Orwellian nightmare continuing all the while they're telling you that they're helping you, is a far greater threat than their constant portrayal of Trump as a mad strongman figure, a kind of twenty-first century reiteration of the despotism of the last century," Brand added.

Brand's support for Trump aligns with his previous criticisms of the "liberal establishment" for its "fetishization of small differences" and its co-optation by corporate interests. He believes that the threat to democracy comes not from Trump, but from the erosion of democratic values and institutions.

"For me, what we are facing now is a bigger threat than that," Brand said.

Brand's endorsement of Trump has sparked controversy, but it reflects his longstanding concerns about the direction of modern society. He sees Trump as a force for freedom and democracy, despite the criticisms leveled against him.

The full episode of "Stay Free with Russell Brand" featuring Pipko will be available on Friday, June 7, at 12pm ET on Rumble.

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