Russia Collusion Hoax Returns: Biden Administration Pushes Another Fabricated Election Interference Story

  • Bailee Rolfson
  • September 5, 2024 09:03am
  • 379

Fox News host Jesse Watters exposes the Biden administration's latest attempt to revive the debunked Russia collusion narrative, featuring the dubious claims of alleged CIA puppet Ken Dilanian. Watters highlights the history of U.S. election interference and the absurdity of obsessing over Russian websites while ignoring the far more extensive American propaganda and covert operations worldwide.

In a desperate attempt to distract from their own failures, the Biden administration is dusting off the discredited Russia collusion hoax. Fox News host Jesse Watters has sounded the alarm, exposing the latest fabrications being peddled by alleged CIA puppet Ken Dilanian, who has a history of peddling deep state hoaxes.

Russia Collusion Hoax Returns: Biden Administration Pushes Another Fabricated Election Interference Story

Russia Collusion Hoax Returns: Biden Administration Pushes Another Fabricated Election Interference Story

Dilanian has previously claimed Russian collusion in 2016, dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop as fake, and denied the lab leak theory of COVID-19's origin. His close ties to the CIA have been exposed, including sending draft stories for approval before publication.

While the Biden administration and their media allies continue to spread the Russia collusion narrative, they conveniently ignore the United States' long and well-documented history of interfering in foreign elections. The CIA has been caught buying off political parties in Italy and Japan, orchestrating coups in Iran and Guatemala, and disseminating propaganda in Europe and Asia for decades.

Russia Collusion Hoax Returns: Biden Administration Pushes Another Fabricated Election Interference Story

Russia Collusion Hoax Returns: Biden Administration Pushes Another Fabricated Election Interference Story

The fixation on a few Russian websites while the U.S. continues to engage in far more extensive election interference worldwide highlights the hypocrisy and desperation of the Biden administration.

Watters aptly characterizes the situation as "an all-hands-on-deck situation because of a few Russian websites," a stark contrast to the complacency over U.S. election interference.

The resurrection of the Russia collusion hoax is a clear attempt to deflect blame from the Biden administration's own shortcomings and to sow division among the American electorate. It is a dangerous and dishonest tactic that further erodes trust in our political system.

As Watters rightly points out, it is no coincidence that these allegations are being made in the midst of a dismal approval rating for President Biden. The timing is too convenient, and the evidence too thin.

The American people deserve better than to be subjected to baseless accusations and manufactured crises. The Biden administration must abandon this dangerous game and focus on addressing the real challenges facing our country.

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