Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

  • Dr. Aryanna Donnelly
  • July 3, 2024 09:04pm
  • 156

Former intelligence analyst Rebekah Koffler exposes the grave danger posed by Russia's recent naval deployment off the coast of Florida, shedding light on the country's growing capabilities and Putin's worrisome mindset.

Three weeks ago, the world witnessed a sobering development as a Russian flotilla of warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, operated perilously close to the coast of Key Largo, Florida. While the Pentagon downplayed the incident as posing "no threat," former intelligence analyst Rebekah Koffler, with her expertise on Russian war-fighting strategy and President Vladimir Putin's mindset, vehemently disagrees.

According to Koffler, this deployment is a grave threat to the U.S. homeland for several reasons. The Russian naval action group, consisting of the missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine Kazan, and other vessels, was carrying out "combat service" tasks, armed with a formidable array of anti-ship and land attack weapons.

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

The Kazan, a Yasen-M-class guided missile submarine, carried guided missiles with a range of 1,000 nautical miles, while Admiral Gorshkov is capable of executing long-range strikes and conducting anti-submarine warfare. They can both carry the 1,000-mile range 3M-54 Kalibir NK land attack cruise missile, the P-800 Oniks anti-ship missile, and the 3M-22 Zircon hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles.

The Zircon, a scramjet-powered hypersonic missile, is particularly concerning due to its extreme speed and maneuverability, making it difficult to detect by missile warning systems. The U.S. currently possesses no similar capability, putting the country at a significant disadvantage.

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Koffler also highlights Russia's possession of the world's quietest submarines, which have demonstrated the ability to operate undetected in close proximity to U.S. shores. Anti-submarine warfare is a crucial part of Russia's war-fighting strategy, aiming to deter U.S. intervention in conflicts like Ukraine.

Russia's advanced capabilities extend to undersea warfare, with submarines capable of disrupting critical submarine undersea cables that carry global internet traffic. Such a disruption would have catastrophic consequences, affecting everything from banking and finance to transportation and emergency services.

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Despite these alarming developments, the Pentagon has been dismissive of the Russian threat, downplaying the deployment of cruise-missile submarines off the U.S. coast as a "growing concern." However, U.S. Northern Command Gen. Glen VanHerck has warned about the potential for these capabilities to "delay, disrupt our force flow or destroy our will."

Koffler emphasizes that Putin has no intention of targeting the U.S. homeland with strategic assets such as Zircon, but the fact that Russia already considers itself at war with the U.S. is deeply troubling. The Kremlin's "hold U.S. homeland at risk" doctrine is a chilling reminder of Putin's preparedness for a full-scale conflict.

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

The current escalation between Moscow and Washington, exacerbated by the Biden administration's authorization for Ukraine to strike deep into Russia, has heightened the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculation. The Biden administration's refusal to engage directly with Putin, coupled with the Kremlin's skepticism towards Biden's capabilities, has created a significant communication gap.

Meanwhile, Putin is methodically preparing for war against the U.S., while the Pentagon and the White House have failed to develop countermeasures or contingency plans. The billions poured into the Pentagon's budget have been squandered on the unwinnable war in Ukraine and misdirected military hardware.

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Russia's Rising Threat: Putin's 'Anti-US Axis' Takes Aim at American Homeland

Koffler concludes that the greatest threat to American security lies in the incompetence of policymakers who have minimized the Russian threat and left the homeland vulnerable. Only by electing competent decision-makers can America secure its future against the rising tide of Putin's aggression.

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