Ryan Garcia Cleared of One PED, but Questions Remain

  • Dayne Hintz
  • May 9, 2024 06:01pm
  • 302

Boxing prodigy Ryan Garcia has been cleared of using one performance-enhancing drug (PED), but additional tests are still pending. The results of these tests could determine whether Garcia faces further sanctions.

Ryan Garcia Cleared of One PED, but Questions Remain

Ryan Garcia, the boxing prodigy who stunned the world with his upset victory over Devin Haney on April 20, has been cleared of using one performance-enhancing drug (PED), but additional tests are still pending.

The California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) announced on May 15 that Garcia had tested positive for caffeine and theophylline, a bronchodilator used to treat asthma. However, the CSAC stated that Garcia had a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for theophylline, meaning he had a legitimate medical reason for using the substance.

Caffeine is not a banned substance in boxing, but it is monitored by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). WADA allows athletes to consume up to 12 micrograms of caffeine per milliliter of urine, but Garcia's sample contained 15 micrograms/mL.

Garcia's camp has argued that the elevated caffeine levels were due to a pre-workout supplement he had ingested. The CSAC has accepted this explanation for now, but Garcia could still face sanctions if the additional tests reveal the presence of other banned substances.

The CSAC is still investigating Garcia's positive test for theophylline. If it is determined that Garcia did not have a valid TUE, he could face a suspension or other penalties.

Garcia's positive test has cast a shadow over his victory over Haney. Some fans and pundits have suggested that Garcia may have used other PEDs to enhance his performance. Garcia has denied these allegations, but the pending tests could provide more information about his drug use.

The Garcia case highlights the importance of proper drug testing in boxing. Ped performance-enhancing drugs can give athletes an unfair advantage and undermine the integrity of the sport. It is essential that fighters are tested regularly to ensure that they are competing on a level playing field.

Garcia is one of the most promising young boxers in the world. He has a record of 23-0 with 19 knockouts. He is expected to challenge for a world title later this year. Garcia's positive test is a setback, but it does not necessarily mean that he will be banned from boxing. The outcome of the additional tests will be crucial in determining his future.

In addition to the potential impact on his boxing career, Garcia's positive test could also have legal implications. The use of PEDs is illegal in many jurisdictions. If Garcia is found to have used PEDs without a valid TUE, he could face criminal charges.

The Garcia case is a reminder that PED use is a serious issue in boxing. It is important that fighters understand the risks of using PEDs and that they compete clean.

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