Ryan Gosling's Children Unimpressed by Parents' Fame, Forbid Stunts Involving Fire

  • Douglas Schiller
  • May 6, 2024 12:55am
  • 307

Despite their parents' Hollywood status, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes' children are not impressed. Gosling reveals that his daughters don't watch their parents' works and even forbade him from performing stunts involving pyrotechnics in his latest film.

Ryan Gosling's Children Unimpressed by Parents' Fame, Forbid Stunts Involving Fire

Hollywood star Ryan Gosling may be a heartthrob to many, but to his children, he's just dad. In a recent interview with People Magazine, Gosling revealed that his two daughters, Esmeralda Amada, 9, and Amada Lee, 8, couldn't care less about their parents' fame.

"There's nothing" that would make his children see him and his wife, Eva Mendes, as anything other than mom and dad, Gosling said. Even a cameo appearance by Mendes in the animated children's series "Bluey" failed to impress the girls. "They didn't like it," Gosling recalled. "They just wanted to fast-forward through that part."

Ryan Gosling's Children Unimpressed by Parents' Fame, Forbid Stunts Involving Fire

Gosling's daughters are not only unimpressed by their parents' fame but also protective of their father. While filming his latest action comedy, "The Fall Guy," Gosling initially planned to perform some stunts involving pyrotechnics, but his daughters put their foot down. "My kids didn't want me to be set on fire," Gosling admitted. "So I didn't do it."

Gosling's decision-making process has been influenced by his role as a parent. He no longer just considers himself when taking roles and is now more mindful of how it will affect his family. "I don’t really take roles that are going to put me in some kind of dark place," he explained. "This moment is what I feel like trying to read the room at home and feel like what is going to be best for all of us."

Ryan Gosling's Children Unimpressed by Parents' Fame, Forbid Stunts Involving Fire

To spend more time with his family, Gosling has taken on more projects as a producer, which gives him more control over scheduling and location. His family recently joined him in Sydney, Australia, while he filmed "The Fall Guy."

Playing Ken in the upcoming live-action film "Barbie" provided a unique opportunity for Gosling to bond with his daughters, who are fans of the iconic doll. "Their interest in Barbie and their disinterest in Ken was an inspiration," Gosling said. "We just felt like we were aligned."

Ryan Gosling's Children Unimpressed by Parents' Fame, Forbid Stunts Involving Fire

Having children has made Gosling more conscious of everything he does, both professionally and personally. "You start to be way more conscious of everything you do and everything you’ve ever done," he reflected.

Emily Blunt, who co-stars with Gosling in "The Fall Guy," shares similar experiences. Her children, Hazel, 9, and Violet, 7, also prefer to see their parents as mom and dad rather than actors on screen. "They don't love watching me on screen," Blunt said. "They've only seen 'Jungle Cruise' once."

Blunt's children were particularly sensitive to some of her scenes in the 2021 fantasy adventure movie "Jungle Cruise." "They didn't like the underwater stuff where I'm trapped and I'm in peril," she recalled. "They left the room."

Both Gosling and Blunt acknowledge that their children's perspectives influence their role selection. They are more cautious about taking on roles that may be too dark or disturbing for their young minds.

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