Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

  • Dr. Lisette Daniel III
  • August 28, 2024 11:04am
  • 326

Residents of Aurora, a Denver suburb, are calling out city leaders for their complicity in the rising gang-related violence perpetrated by newly arrived Venezuelan migrants. Politicians like John Fabbricatore argue that sanctuary city policies and lax border enforcement have created a breeding ground for crime.

The once-tranquil Denver suburb of Aurora has become a hotbed of migrant gang violence, forcing residents to confront the consequences of sanctuary city policies and the Biden administration's border crisis. The influx of over 42,000 migrants since 2022 has strained Aurora's resources, costing the city over $72 million, according to city data. However, the financial burden is just one aspect of the crisis.

The notorious Venezuelan prison gang, Tren de Aragua, has reportedly established a stronghold in Aurora, seizing control of local apartment complexes and unleashing a wave of violent crime. The gang's leader, Jhonardy Jose Pacheco-Chirino, nicknamed "Galleta," is accused of orchestrating brutal assaults and a shootout at apartment properties.

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

John Fabbricatore, a former ICE field office director and GOP congressional candidate, holds Aurora city leaders responsible for the escalating violence. He criticizes their "complicity" in the crisis, despite the City Council's resolution to withhold support from migrants brought into the community. Fabbricatore claims that the city's reluctance to challenge sanctuary city policies has allowed criminal elements to flourish.

"They're allowing this sanctuary just to come into these areas, and they don't want to push back against it... Aurora itself, through the Aurora City Council, has kind of pushed back on it. But we're still seeing a lot of leaders try to ignore it and not let the public know exactly what's going on," Fabbricatore stated.

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

Adding to the concern is the inability of many migrants to qualify for asylum, raising questions about their motives for entering the country. Fabbricatore emphasizes the need to push back against the Biden-Harris administration's border policies, which he believes have allowed the criminal element to gain a foothold.

"The Biden-Harris administration is complicit in having allowed our borders [to] just be in chaos," he said. "They have allowed this criminal element in. As taxpayers, you have to keep pushing back. You have to say, you know, we're not going to accept this. We just want to know the truth. We deserve our communities to be safe and we deserve for the border to be secure."

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

The violence associated with Tren de Aragua has garnered national attention, particularly in connection with the investigation into the murder of Georgia student Laken Riley, whose brother is alleged to have ties to the gang. In response, the Treasury Department has designated Tren de Aragua as a significant transnational criminal organization and offered financial rewards for the conviction of its leadership.

Pacheco-Chirino's path into the US illustrates the loopholes and inefficiencies in the current immigration system. After entering the country from Texas in 2022, he was released after being vetted despite stating his intention to go to New York. Upon arrival in Colorado in 2023, he was given a court date and released again, only to be apprehended on felony assault charges in March 2024. However, he skipped his court hearing and remained at large until his arrest in July.

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

Sanctuary City Policies Fueling Migrant Gang Violence in Denver Suburb

Residents of Aurora are demanding accountability from their leaders and urging them to prioritize the safety of their community over misguided policies. The ongoing crisis highlights the urgent need to address the challenges posed by sanctuary city policies and the security of the US-Mexico border, as the consequences of inaction continue to endanger innocent lives.

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