Sanders Denounces Netanyahu's Congress Address as "Dangerous" Precedent

  • Dr. Rashad Kshlerin
  • July 23, 2024 10:04am
  • 106
Sanders Denounces Netanyahu's Congress Address as "Dangerous" Precedent

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has strongly condemned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's scheduled address to a joint session of Congress this week, labeling it as a "dangerous" precedent that undermines the principle of balanced diplomacy in the Middle East.

WASHINGTON, July 22 – In a strongly worded statement released today, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) denounced Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming address to a joint session of Congress as a "dangerous" precedent that could further destabilize the Middle East.

Sanders, a longtime advocate for Palestinian rights, expressed serious reservations about giving Netanyahu a platform to present a one-sided view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He argued that the address would only serve to exacerbate tensions between the two sides and undermine the credibility of U.S. diplomacy in the region.

Sanders Denounces Netanyahu's Congress Address as "Dangerous" Precedent

"I believe that it is a dangerous precedent to allow a foreign leader to come to the United States and basically speak before Congress to justify war and occupation," Sanders said in his statement. "It gives Netanyahu the opportunity to basically avoid any responsibility for the plight of the Palestinian people."

Sanders further accused Netanyahu of using the address to "vilify" the Palestinians and "justify further aggression against them." He expressed particular concern about the potential for Netanyahu to use the opportunity to push for military action against Iran, a move that Sanders believes would have disastrous consequences for the entire Middle East.

"I think that this is a very, very dangerous precedent for our country," Sanders said. "I think it undermines our role in the world as a broker of peace. I think it gives Netanyahu a platform to basically try to drag us into another war in the Middle East."

Sanders' comments echo those of other Democratic lawmakers who have criticized Netanyahu's address as an inappropriate interference in U.S. foreign policy. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has called the address "unprecedented" and said that it could "undermine the peace process."

The Obama administration has defended the decision to invite Netanyahu to address Congress, arguing that it is an opportunity for the United States to hear directly from the Israeli leader on the challenges facing Israel and the region. However, the administration has also acknowledged that the address could be politically divisive.

Netanyahu is expected to use his address to argue that Iran poses an imminent threat to Israel and the world and that the United States should join Israel in taking military action to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

However, Sanders and other critics of Netanyahu's address believe that the Israeli leader is exaggerating the threat posed by Iran in order to justify military action that could destabilize the entire Middle East. They argue that the United States should be seeking a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue rather than resorting to war.

Sanders' statement comes as the Obama administration is engaged in negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program. The administration is hoping to reach a comprehensive agreement that would prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

However, Netanyahu has been a vocal critic of the negotiations, arguing that Iran cannot be trusted and that the United States should not be willing to reduce sanctions without a complete dismantling of Iran's nuclear program.

The Israeli government has also been lobbying members of Congress to support legislation that would impose new sanctions on Iran if a comprehensive agreement is not reached. Sanders has pledged to oppose any such legislation, arguing that it would undermine the negotiations and make it more difficult to reach a diplomatic solution.

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