Scarlett Johansson Enraged by AI Company's Use of Voice Similar to Hers

  • Estrella Predovic
  • May 22, 2024 01:01am
  • 238

Scarlett Johansson is expressing shock and disbelief over the use of a voice eerily similar to her own in the ChatGPT app developed by OpenAI. The actress's legal team has sent letters to OpenAI requesting an explanation of the process behind creating the voice for their personal assistant.

Scarlett Johansson Enraged by AI Company's Use of Voice Similar to Hers

Renowned actress Scarlett Johansson has expressed outrage and disbelief over the use of a voice remarkably similar to hers in the ChatGPT app developed by OpenAI. The voice, named Sky, was unveiled last week, prompting widespread observations of its uncanny likeness to Johansson's voice in the 2013 film "Her."

Scarlett Johansson Enraged by AI Company's Use of Voice Similar to Hers

Johansson's legal team has since sent two letters to OpenAI, requesting an explanation of the process involved in creating Sky's voice. The actress previously declined an offer from OpenAI to voice their ChatGPT 4.0 system.

In a statement to FOX Business, Johansson expressed shock and anger upon hearing Sky's voice, noting that her closest friends and news outlets could not distinguish it from her own. She also highlighted the alarming implications of such actions in an era of deepfakes and the protection of individuals' likenesses.

Scarlett Johansson Enraged by AI Company's Use of Voice Similar to Hers

"I was forced to hire legal counsel, who wrote two letters to Mr. Altman and OpenAI, setting out what they had done and asking them to detail the exact process by which they created the 'Sky' voice," Johansson stated.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has since issued a statement denying any intentional use of Johansson's voice, claiming that the voice actor for Sky was cast before any outreach to the actress. However, OpenAI has paused using Sky's voice in its products out of respect for Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson Enraged by AI Company's Use of Voice Similar to Hers

This incident marks the second time Johansson's voice has been used without her consent. In November 2022, she initiated legal action against an AI image-generating app for utilizing her voice and likeness in an advertisement.

Amidst these developments, bipartisan senators have proposed the No Fakes Act as a discussion draft. The legislation aims to establish a federal right for individuals to control their image and voice, as well as digital replicas. The proposed penalties include hefty fines and potential economic damages.

Scarlett Johansson Enraged by AI Company's Use of Voice Similar to Hers

Johansson's case highlights the growing concerns surrounding the use of AI technology to manipulate and impersonate individuals without their knowledge or consent. As AI continues to evolve, the protection of personal rights and the establishment of clear legal boundaries become increasingly crucial.

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