Scarlett Johansson Roils Tech Company Over Alleged Voice Mimicry

  • Maryse Ernser
  • May 22, 2024 09:02pm
  • 189

Scarlett Johansson accuses tech company OpenAI of creating a voice for its ChatGPT app that closely resembles her own, sparking outrage and a potential legal battle.

Scarlett Johansson Roils Tech Company Over Alleged Voice Mimicry

Scarlett Johansson, the renowned actress, has erupted in fury and disbelief upon discovering that OpenAI, a leading tech company, has used a voice remarkably similar to hers for its ChatGPT app's assistant, dubbed Sky. The accusation, if proven, could potentially lead to a legal battle between the two parties.

Sources close to Johansson have confirmed that she is deeply angered by the alleged voice mimicry. The actress believes that OpenAI used her voice without her consent, potentially violating her intellectual property rights and tarnishing her reputation.

Scarlett Johansson Roils Tech Company Over Alleged Voice Mimicry

"Scarlett is in disbelief that a company like OpenAI would use her voice without her permission," said a confidante of the actress. "She's a highly respected artist, and her voice is a significant part of her identity."

The voice of Sky, the ChatGPT assistant at the center of the controversy, is strikingly similar to Johansson's. The timbre, pitch, and cadence all bear an uncanny resemblance to the actress's voice. This has raised concerns that OpenAI may have used Johansson's voice recordings or synthesized a voice model based on her voice without her knowledge or approval.

Scarlett Johansson Roils Tech Company Over Alleged Voice Mimicry

OpenAI has yet to publicly comment on Johansson's allegations. However, the company has acknowledged that it used a large dataset of voice recordings to train the ChatGPT voice model. It is unclear at this stage whether Johansson's voice was included in this dataset.

Legal experts believe that Johansson has a strong case if she can prove that OpenAI used her voice without her consent. "Celebrity voices are considered intellectual property, and any unauthorized use can potentially lead to a copyright infringement suit," explained entertainment lawyer Tony Serra.

Scarlett Johansson Roils Tech Company Over Alleged Voice Mimicry

The case has the potential to set a precedent for the use of celebrity voices in artificial intelligence technology. If Johansson is successful in her legal challenge, it could force companies to obtain explicit consent from individuals before using their voices in AI-powered applications.

The controversy underscores the ethical and legal challenges posed by the rapid advancement of AI technology. As AI systems become more sophisticated, the need for clear guidelines on the use of personal data and intellectual property becomes increasingly urgent.

Whether or not Johansson's accusations hold water, the case has ignited a debate about the boundaries of AI and the importance of protecting individuals' rights in the digital age.

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