Sean Hannity Predicts Biden's Cognitive Decline Will Be Evident in First Presidential Debate

  • Zita Luettgen
  • June 22, 2024 05:03pm
  • 135

Fox News host Sean Hannity has long documented Biden's cognitive struggles and expects them to be on full display in the first presidential debate.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has been a vocal critic of Joe Biden's mental fitness for office, and he expects the former vice president's cognitive decline to be evident in the first presidential debate.

"While we definitely have accurately documented Biden's very troubling cognitive struggles for years, we've been way ahead of the curve," Hannity said on his show "Hannity." "Don't expect that Joe Biden that we see on a daily basis to show up at that debate."

Sean Hannity Predicts Biden's Cognitive Decline Will Be Evident in First Presidential Debate

Sean Hannity Predicts Biden's Cognitive Decline Will Be Evident in First Presidential Debate

Hannity pointed to Biden's numerous gaffes and misstatements as evidence of his decline. He also cited reports that Biden has been using a teleprompter more frequently and that his staff is limiting his public appearances.

"It's clear that Biden's handlers are trying to hide his cognitive decline from the public," Hannity said. "But it's going to be impossible to hide it during a live debate."

Hannity predicted that Biden will struggle to keep up with President Trump's attacks during the debate. He also said that Biden's cognitive decline will make it difficult for him to articulate his policy positions.

"Biden is going to be a disaster in the debates," Hannity said. "He's not going to be able to handle the pressure. Trump is going to eat him alive."

Hannity's comments come as other anti-Trump figures and Democrats have also questioned Biden's mental fitness for office. In an interview with CNN, former Obama adviser David Axelrod said that Biden "has a lot of trouble with the back and forth of conversation."

And former DNC chairman Howard Dean said that Biden "doesn't have the stamina" to be president.

The Biden campaign has dismissed these concerns, saying that Biden is "fit and ready to serve." But Hannity and other critics believe that Biden's cognitive decline is a serious issue that voters need to consider before casting their ballots.

In addition to his cognitive struggles, Hannity also predicted that Biden will be out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Americans during the debate.

"Biden is going to talk about climate change and other issues that the American people don't care about," Hannity said. "Trump is going to talk about the economy and other issues that are important to people's lives."

Hannity said that Biden's focus on issues that are not a priority for most Americans will make it difficult for him to connect with voters.

"Biden is going to lose the debate," Hannity said. "He's going to lose the election. And it's all because of his cognitive decline."

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