Sen. Ron Johnson Leads GOP Senators in Demand to Block WHO Authority Expansion in Pandemic Agreements

  • Michelle Kiehn
  • May 3, 2024 02:00am
  • 362

Republican senators, led by Sen. Ron Johnson, are urging President Biden to reject agreements that would expand the World Health Organization's (WHO) authority in the event of a global pandemic, expressing concerns over WHO's effectiveness and transparency.

Sen. Ron Johnson Leads GOP Senators in Demand to Block WHO Authority Expansion in Pandemic Agreements

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has led the entire Republican Senate conference in calling on President Biden to reject agreements that would expand the authority of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the case of a global pandemic. The senators' concerns stem from the WHO's handling of the COVID-19 crisis and its ongoing inability to clearly determine the virus's origins.

In a letter sent to Biden, Johnson and all 48 other Republican senators stated their strong opposition to any agreements that would expand WHO's authority. They emphasized that any such agreement would be considered a treaty, which requires "the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senate under Article I Section 2 of the Constitution."

Sen. Ron Johnson Leads GOP Senators in Demand to Block WHO Authority Expansion in Pandemic Agreements

The Republican senators pointed out the WHO's numerous shortcomings and the need for comprehensive reforms before considering any amendments or new agreements. They expressed particular concern over the WHO's proposed pandemic response treaty, which they described as "dead on arrival."

The treaty, according to the senators, would require significant coordination, information sharing, and resource reallocation, with a heavy emphasis on "equity." They argued that such agreements prioritize resource and technology transfers, undermine intellectual property rights, infringe on free speech, and empower the WHO without addressing its underlying weaknesses.

Sen. Ron Johnson Leads GOP Senators in Demand to Block WHO Authority Expansion in Pandemic Agreements

The senators also highlighted the ongoing mystery surrounding COVID-19's origins, attributing the lack of clarity to China's obstruction of an independent investigation. They emphasized that any agreement must include guarantees of transparency and unbiased investigations to prevent similar issues in the future.

Biden has previously expressed support for the concept of a global agreement on pandemic preparedness, but his administration has also raised concerns about certain elements of the WHO's treaty. Officials have expressed reservations about agreements that do not adequately protect the patents of pharmaceutical companies.

Sen. Ron Johnson Leads GOP Senators in Demand to Block WHO Authority Expansion in Pandemic Agreements

The Biden administration has acknowledged the need for global coordination in combating pandemics but has emphasized that any agreement must be effective, operationally viable, and consistent with U.S. laws and policies.

Johnson has been a vocal critic of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the COVID-19 pandemic precautions implemented in the U.S. He has also criticized the pharmaceutical industry and vaccine mandates while advocating for individuals who claim to have suffered injuries from the shots.

Sen. Ron Johnson Leads GOP Senators in Demand to Block WHO Authority Expansion in Pandemic Agreements

The Republican senators' letter is a clear indication of their opposition to expanding WHO's authority without substantial reforms. It remains to be seen whether Biden will heed their demands or proceed with negotiations on agreements that would increase the WHO's role in global pandemic preparedness.

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